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: SYUHANA BINTI MUDA : 811101-11-5552 : PRA C

Reasons why children become truant: Lack of interest in education Peer presure Fallin behind academically in school Fear of violence on the the way to school or at school Low self esteem Problems at home Lack of significant consequences for failure to attend school.

The effect s of truancy for the student include: Decreased earning ability Involvement in daytime crime,such as breaking and entering,bullying,vandalism and shoplifting Increased risk of dropping out of school Involvement in gangs. Failing classes Risk of not obtaining a higher education

TRUANCY Unapproved absence from school ,usually without a parents knowledge.

Elements of a comprehensive community and educational strategy to combat truancy

Current issues on truancy: Students caught playing truant at illegal cybercaf Dont cover up for students who play truant Task force call to beat truancy Seniors beat up schoolboy for playing truant

Involve parents in all truancy prevention activities Ensure that students face firm sanctions for truancy Create meaningful incentives for parental responsibility Establish ongoing truancy prevention programs in school Involve local law enforcement in truancy reduction efforts

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