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-One important point to evaluate the levels of alcohol and mostly young population that is interested in drinking alcohol are their effects that can rise to the level of addiction or repetitive consumer Alcohol is one drug more than disseminated in society. The chronic and usually progressivecaused by excessive ingestion of ethyl alcohol in the form of alcoholic beverages or as a constituentof other substances, is called ALCOHOLISM. This drug has a high power of addiction, creating in a short time and no notice, physical tolerance andpsychic dependence on. -Another point which considered important is: How to prevent? Prevention Of Alcoholism One of the preventive measures against alcoholism is to campaign to provide information through pamphlets, brochures, orally, among others, to raise public awareness of the problem, trying to touch essential points such as: What is alcoholism, what it is, what are the effects that excessive alcohol consumption, and places where you can go to request information or assistance. Another preventive measure is to develop programs within and outside educational institutions in order to start sowing the seeds for future generations and to seek new solutions. With the participation of all and is informed by changing your thinking and having a change of attitudes, and so on., You can teach, guide and channel the younger generations to become aware, decisions, attitudes and preventive attitudes., And so give tools to combat the problem.

Objective: Investigate the factors which condition excessive use of alcohol consumption. Hipotesis : The more than is the age of individual, is more prone to the excessive drinking.

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