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The Incarnation

The Word made Flesh

The Son
• The second person of the Trinity
• Became man.
• That’s the amazing truth of the
• John starts out with this truth.
(See John 1)
• Jesus is true God and True man
(100% and 100%) NOT 50/50.
In the Trinity…3
whodats in 1 what
In Christ…1 whowhat in 2
The Second person of
the Blessed Trinity owns
and operates a
complete human nature.
That means that Christ,
in His Humanity, was
like us in all things but
It also means that He is
God just as much as the
Father and Holy Spirit.
Son of David
• Matthew starts out here, where John
starts out with Jesus as Son of God.
• The First thing in the whole New
Testament is….(you look…go
ahead…you can do it.)
• Matthew begins with the genealogy
of Christ, the Septuagint of the time
began with the genealogy of Adam.
• Matthew shows 14 generations
between Abraham and David, David
and Babylon, and Babylon and Jesus.
• 3 groups of 14.
• 14 is twice 7…the perfect number….
doubly perfect.
• X=10 D=4 V=6….DVD=14 (no vowels
in Hebrew 4+6+4
Maria, I just met a girl
named Maria….ya da da
da da
• Sorry…it gets stuck in my head.
• Luke tells us about the Annunciation.
• Mary was engaged, but not living
with Joseph when Gabriel appeared
to her. ( Lk 1:28-35)
• (Notice what He says when he
appears…angles are always saying
this. Any idea why?)
Looking at Luke 1:28-35
• Let’s notice a few things.
• Who is surprisingly named and
revealed here?
• Do you remember a little detail about
the glory cloud in Exodus? What
does it have to do with Mary?
• What’s remarkable about Mary’s
Birth of Baby Jesus
• Matthew and Luke give us
accounts of Jesus’ birth.
• Luke is the Marian Gospel and
Matthew shows us things from
Joseph’s perspective.
• Any idea why?
• Race….
• The first team to tell me which
Gospel each of the following
details are in wins…a nice little
• (This is like a “Theological
challenge” in double dare.)
• Ready???
• 1)Shepherds
• 2)Wise men
• 3)“No room in the inn”
• 4)The Census
• 5)Simeon and Anna
• 6)Flight into Egypt.
Moral Sense
• What does Jesus teach us
through the manner of his birth?
• You tell me…

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