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Film: Taken el Year:2008

Director: Pierre Mor

Location/setting: The location of the opening credits of taken is in a house and the setting is giving us a warm feel because they are a family celebrating thei r childs 5th birthday. The setting changes fairly quickly, it takes 59 seconds fo r the setting to change which gives us as viewers something to think about. In t he next scene which is at 1:28 seconds they show the roads which indicates to us that he is going somewhere. In the first 2 minutes the director has used severa l different settings and locations to keep the viewer on the edge of their seat. Lighting/Colour: In the opening minute there the lighting and colour is bright b ut they have a fuzzy effect in the scene to show that the birthday is old but it is an event to be remembered. From 1:02 seconds the scene changes and it is all dark in the room and it shows the guy was dreaming and he woke up from sleep th at is why the setting was dark until he turned the lamp on. Overall the lighting and colour is good in the opening because it is clear to see and it the colour is kept simple and not sophisticated. Props: A birthday cake is used to show that it is someones birthday and it creat es a happy and warm feeling to the viewer. It shows that the parents have got lo ve for their child because they bought her a birthday cake. A car is used in the 2nd scene to show that he is going somewhere and he is usin g a car to get to his destination. A car is a good prop in the film because the actor uses the prop a lot to get to different places in the movie so that is goo d. Shots/angles: A close up is used to show the facial expression of the little girl and it shows that she is very happy because it is her birthday. A point of view shot is used to show the cake and the little girl is looking at the cake she has got for her birthday. Medium close up shot to show the mans body gesture and facial expression. A long shot used to show that the main character of the movie is the guy. Score music: The music used in the opening scene of the film has a very slow tem po and it creates that feeling where u know something bad is going to happen and it does not create a birthday atmosphere which will start to make the viewer th ink and be excited to know what happens in the film.

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