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mInuLe Do Now

O Toduy Is goIng Lo be beuuLIIuI

O Put this Do Nou on the jront oj our index ccrd
o Is Jon Brown und wuL dId e do?
z uL Is un uboIILIonIsL?
uL Is u IegendJkey?
q Muke Le brunces oI U.S. GovernmenL puge 8 In
your InLerucLIve noLebook und udd IL Lo your LubIe oI
O rILe down Le omework ussIgnmenL
O 6 PuL your omework on Le Lop IeIL corner oI your desk
Te Tree Brunces oI
Te Tree Brunces
MnemonIc DevIce
O JudIcIuI, ExecuLIve, egIsIuLIve
O JudIcIuI, ExecuLIve, egIsIuLIve
O J.E..
O JuggIe EIepunLs eIL-unded
O JokIng Every eprecuun
O CreuLe your own MnemonIc DevIce
Tere ure Lree brunces oI governmenL
O Te Legislutive Brunch -
mukesJcreuLes Le Iuws
O Te Ixecotive Brunch-
enIorces Le Iuws (mukes sure
Ley geL done
O Te odiciul Brunch - udges
Le Iuws (deLermInes weLer
Ley ure rIgL or wrong. Tey
uIso udge peopIe uccordIng Lo
Le Iuw.
uL does euc brunc do?
Te egIsIuLIve Brunc
O Te Legislutive Brunch
Mukes Iuws conLroIIIng Lrude
beLween sLuLes und beLween Le
UnILed SLuLes und oLer
Mukes Iuws ubouL Luxes und
borrowIng money.
Te Legislutive Brunch
Is mude op oI Le..
4ose 41 Representutives
The Senute
Te SenuLe
O Euc sLuLe us Lwo senuLors
O Tose senuLors represenL LuL sLuLe In Le IegIsIuLure
wIc Is oILen cuIIed congress
O BeIore Buruck Obumu becume PresIdenL e wus u
sLuLe senuLor Ior IIInoIs
Te House oI RepresenLuLIves
O Euc sLuLe geLs u number oI represenLuLIves bused on
LeIr sLuLe popuIuLIon
O Te bIgger Le sLuLe Le more represenLuLIves you cun
O ExumpIe: CuIIIornIu us sIIgLIy over ; mIIIIon resIdenLs
und us represenLuLIves In Congress
O TIs Is compured Lo New York LuL us over mIIIIon
resIdenLs und us z represenLuLIves In Congress
uL does euc brunc do?
Te ExecuLIve Brunc
O Te ExecuLIve Brunc Is
mude op oI
!resident: euder oI Le
counLry und communds Le
Vice !resident: PresIdenL oI
Le SenuLe und becomes
PresIdenL II Le PresIdenL cun no
Ionger do Le ob.
O Te ExecuLIve Brunc mukes
Te Iuws oI Le Iund ure obeyed
(Ley geL done
uL does euc brunc do?
Te JudIcIuI Brunc
O Te JudIcIuI Brunc Is
mude op oI
II Le courL sysLems
Te Supreme CourL (Le IgesL
courL In Le Iund
O Te JudIcIuI Brunc cun
decIde urgumenLs ubouL Le
meunIng oI Iuws und ow Ley
ure uppIIed
DecIde weLer Iuws breuk Le
ruIes oI Le ConsLILuLIon.
Te JudIcIuI Brunc
O Te JudIcIuI Brunc udges Le Iuw
O Judges deLermIne Le Iuws ure rIgL or wrong
O Tey uIso deLermIne weLer peopIe uve broken Le
DependIng on LIme
O Sow Judge Judy vIdeo cIIp
O Nume Le Lree brunces oI merIcun
O z Ic brunc mukes Le Iuw?
O Ic brunc enIorces Le Iuw?
O q Ic brunc deLermInes rIgL und wrong
uccordIng Lo Le Iuw?
O How muny senuLors does euc sLuLe uve?
O 6 uL Is u compuss?

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