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Genesis 1-2:3 2011 Larry F.

Genes|s 1123

Jf |s e s|gn|f|cfnce of e 6+1 df sce?

Genes|s 213
O 1he 7
day ls dlfferenL from Lhe oLher slx days Cod resLed on Lhe 7
day blessed LhaL day and
made lL holy
O 1hls ls Lhe foundaLlon for Lhe 8lble's Leachlng on how Lo worshlp Cod wlLh our Llme and acLlons

ods 162230
O lrsL Llme LhaL Lhe word SabbaLh ls used ln reference Lo Lhe 7
O lrsL command relaLed Lo how Lo observe Lhe SabbaLh Cod wlll provlde so LhaL you can Lake
Lhe day off from your normal acLlvlLles (lsraellLes had [usL flnlshed 400 years as slaves ln LgypL)
O LsLabllshed a seven day week 1he anclenL LgypLlans followed a 10 day week

ods 20117 llsLs Lhe 1en CommandmenLs 1he flrsL four are abouL our relaLlonshlp Lo Cod
1 ou shall have no oLher Cods before me (13)
2 ou shall noL worshlp Lhe Lhlngs LhaL Lhe Lord Cod creaLed (46)
3 uon'L mlsuse Lhe name of Lord your Cod (7)
4 emembe e Sfbbf df b keep|ng | o| (811)
O ow Lverybody ls Lo Lake Lhe day off from Lhelr regular work 1hls ls a commandmenL
abouL how you use your Llme
O Jhy Je are worshlplng Cod by lmlLaLlng whaL he dld Cod ls worshlped by lmlLaLlng hls
acLlons and characLer noL by worshlplng hls creaLlon

ods 31 1617
O 1he SabbaLh ls also a slgn of Lhe covenanL beLween Lhe Lord Cod and Lhe lsraellLes
O 1hls ls our weekly remlnder of Lhe commlLmenL we have made Lo Cod

ess fnd e Sfbbf
8y new 1esLamenL Llmes observlng Lhe SabbaLh had been reduced Lo followlng very speclflc rules
llmlLlng whaL you could do on LhaL day 1hls was noL Lhe Lord Cod's lnLenLlon !esus broke many of
Lhose rules (MaLLhew 12113 Mark 22336 Luke 131017) and LaughL LhaL Lhe day was lnLended as a
glfL Lo us (Mark 227) and a day Lo do good (MaLLhew 1212) 1he SabbaLh ls noL abouL worshlpplng a
day lL ls abouL our relaLlonshlp Lo Cod new 1esLamenL ChrlsLlans are reporLed as golng Lo Lhe
synagogue Lo preach Lo Lhe !ews on Lhe SabbaLh (eg Mark 1314) and also as meeLlng on Lhe flrsL day
of Lhe week (eg AcLs 207) ln Colosslans 21617 we are Lold "1betefote Jo oot let ooyooe joJqe yoo
by wbot yoo eot ot Jtlok ot wltb teqotJ to o tellqloos festlvol o New Mooo celebtotloo ot o 5obbotb
Joy 1bese ote o sboJow of tbe tbloqs tbot wete to come tbe teollty bowevet ls foooJ lo cbtlst"

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