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Genesis 1-2:3 2011 Larry F.

Genes|s 1123

ln Lhe beglnnlng Cod (Llohlm) creaLed Lhe heavens and Lhe earLh now Lhe earLh was formless and empLy
darkness was over Lhe surface of Lhe deep and Lhe SplrlL of Cod was hoverlng over Lhe waLers (vs 12)
f Crefe Crder f I|||
1 (vs 33) SeparaLe nlghL and day 4 (vs 1419) Sun Moon and SLars
2 (vs 68) SeparaLe Sky and WaLers below 3 (vs 2023) Sky and WaLer Anlmals
3 (vs 910) SeparaLe Land from Seas Land
produces vegeLaLlon
6 (vs 2431) Land Anlmals and Pumans lanLs for

uay 7 (vs 223) Cod resLed or ceased from all hls work

es Genes|s 1 sf f r wr|d wfs crefed |n s|x 24r dfs?
lL ls dlfflculL Lo make Lhls concluslon from Lhe LexL
O @he sun moon and sLars were creaLed on Lhe fourLh day! An earLh day" ls deflned based on Lhe
earLh's roLaLlon relaLlve Lo Lhe sun
O Language ls ofLen descrlpLlve noL rlgorously sclenLlflc @he Pebrews dld noL Lhlnk llke a WesLern
4 Cod called Lhe llghL Joy and Lhe darkness he called nlghL And Lhere was evenlng and
Lhere was mornlngLhe flrsL Joy
4 @hese are Lhe generaLlons of Lhe heavens and of Lhe earLh when Lhey were creaLed ln Lhe Joy
LhaL Lhe LC8u Cod made Lhe earLh and Lhe heavens (Cenesls 24 k!v)
4 Ponor your faLher and your moLher LhaL your Joys may be prolonged ln Lhe land whlch Lhe
LC8u your Cod glves youLxodus 2012
4 As Lhe soo wos settloq Abram fell lnLo a deep sleep and a Lhlck and dreadful darkness came
over hlmCenesls 1312
4 Sun or Moon lse/5et @able for Cne ?ear (uS navy)
O @he sLory ls carefully sLrucLured so LhaL
4 Manklnd ls Lhe hlgh polnL of creaLlon
4 lL emphaslzes Lhe lmporLance of Lhe SabbaLh (Lxodus 20811 LevlLlcus 233 Mark 22336)

@he 8lble ls noL a sclenLlflc LexLbook abouL Lhe mechanlcs of how Lhe unlverse works @he ldea LhaL lL
should be reflecLs a modern culLural blas LhaL sclenLlflc LruLh ls Lhe only LruLh Sclence doesn'L explaln all of
human experlence lf Lhe 8lble were lnLended by Cod Lo be a sclenLlflc LexL Lhen lnsLead of And Cod sald
'LeL Lhere be llghL' and Lhere was llghL" @he LexL would say And Cod sald LeL elecLromagneLlc flelds
operaLe accordlng Lo Lhe followlng equaLlons
vS =
; vS = ; v = -
; v = p
[ + p

and Lhere was llghL"

The Bible is a book about who God is, who we are, and our relationship to God, to each other, and to his

Maxwell`s equations describe the classical behavior oI electromagnetic Iields, including how light behaves.

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