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Generic/ Drug Name Tramadol Hydrochloride (Dromadol SR, Dromadol XL, Tramake)

Classification Opioid Agonist Analgesic

Indication Moderate to moderately severe pain

Contraindication Hypersensitivity to drug, its component or opioids Acute intoxication with alcohol, sedativehypnotics, centrally-acting analgesics or psychotropic agents

Route/ Dosage 50 mg/ tablet taken orally

Adverse Effects Dizziness Seizures Headache Respiratory Drowsiness depression Nausea Bronchospasm Vomiting Angioedema Diarrhea StevensConstipation Johnson Dyspepsia syndrome Dry mouth Pruritus

Side Effects

Nursing Responsibility Assess patients response to drug 30 minutes after administration. Monitor respiratory status. Withhold drug and contact prescriber if respirations become shallow or slower than 12 breaths per minute. Monitor for physical and psychological drug dependence. Tell the patient drug works best when taken before pain becomes severe. Inform patient that drug may cause respiratory depression if used with alcohol. Instruct patient to immediately report seizure, suicidal behavior or suicidal ideation. Tell patient to immediately report signs and symptoms of allergic reaction. Inform patient that drug can cause physical and psychological dependence.

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