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Genesis 2:4-25 2011 Larry F.

Genes|s 242S
now |s th|s creat|on story d|fferent from or the same as Genes|s 123?
Cenesls 123 lnLroduces Cod as CreaLor of Lhe unlverse Cenesls 2423 adds deLall Lo day 6 Lo
lnLroduce Lhe personal Cod who lnLeracLs wlLh manklnd 1hls shlfL ln focus ls slgnaled ln Lwo ways ln
verse 4
1 @he name of God
O Cenesls 1 (Cod) Llohlm
4 Cod as LranscendenL creaLor of Lhe unlverse
O Cenesls 2 LC8u Cod (?ahweh Llohlm)
4 ?ahweh (?PWP)1he proper name of Lhe Cod of Lhe Cld 1esLamenL
4 1radlLlon among Lhe Pebrews was LhaL lL was Loo sacred Lo pronounce so ls ofLen
rendered as LC8u (Adonal) ln Lhe 8lble
4 9ersonal Cod and hls relaLlonshlp Lo manklnd
4 Compare 9salm 19
2 hange of focus from a|| of creat|on to |oca| cond|t|ons
O 1hls ls Lhe accounL of Lhe heavens and Lhe earLh when Lhey were creaLed When Lhe LC8u Cod
made Lhe earLh (or land) and Lhe heavens (or heaven sky) (24)

nexL ls a descrlpLlon of Lwo local condlLlons ln verses 3 and 6 and Lhelr cause
O and no shrub of Lhe fleld had yeL appeared on Lhe earLh (or land) and no planL of Lhe fleld had
yeL sprung up
4 WhaL ls a shrub of Lhe fleld (slach hassadeh)?
uesserL planL LhaL sponLaneously sprlngs up afLer a raln (Cenesls 2113 !ob
4 WhaL ls an herb of Lhe fleld (esev hassadeh)?
CulLlvaLed crops or gralns (Lxodus 92223)
O for Lhe LC8u Cod had noL senL raln on Lhe earLh

(or land) and Lhere was no man Lo work Lhe

ground buL sLreams

(mlsL) came up from Lhe earLh and waLered Lhe whole surface of Lhe
ond|t|on ause
no desserL vegeLaLlon no raln [usL mlsL
no crops no one Lo work Lhe ground
Into th|s wor|d the LCkD God formed man
Lhe LC8u Cod formed Lhe man

(adam) from Lhe dusL of Lhe ground (adamah) and breaLhed lnLo hls
nosLrlls Lhe breaLh of llfe and Lhe man became a llvlng belng (27)
O 8lologlcally we are made of Lhe same sLuff" as Lhe anlmals (compare Lo 219)
O ,an recelved Lhe breaLh of llfe" and became a llvlng belng" (compare Lo 127)

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