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OcCHaPTER 2. Occupancy Classifications and Loads 1, Determining the occupancy classification(s) ofa project should be one of the first stepsin researching codes. True/False 2. Ifthere are ewo occupancies in the same building and one is smaller than, the other, the smaller occupancy is known as anaccessory occupancy True/False 3. Instead of being considered a separate storage occupancy, small storage roams arealways treated as part ofthe predominating occupancy. ‘True/False 4. Locations of ire-resistance-rated walls are important in buildings with more thanone occupancy classifications. True/False 5. The NFPA codes such as the Life Safety Code subdivide Instn diferent categories. Name two of them: — al occupancies into several 6, The various types of hazardous situations that can occur in a building are also often referred to as by the codes, 7. When measuring a building to determine the occupant load, square feet (square meters) refers to the building area that includes all miscellaneous (or ancillary) spaces. 8, The codes divide the type of hazardous occupancies into four main categorles: i and explosive, 9, Using the International Building Code classifications, match each building type on the left with its typical occupancy classification shown on the right. Fill in the appropriate letter on the lines show, — Supermarket ‘ Instcutional occupancy Refinery b, Hazardous cecupancy — Gas plant . Business occupancy — Banke 4. Assembly occupancy — Nursing home Storage occupancy — Kindergarten £ Mercantile cccupancy — Dormitory Industrial occupancy — Church bs, Educational occupancy — Freight terminal 4. Residential ccupancy 10, Which thee items help w determine che occupancy classification or subclassification of a project? ‘. Typeof hazards type of activity occuring and sizeof bung 's Size of che building, ype of wall ratings, and type of activity occurring . Typeof activity occurring, typeof hazards, and number of occupants 4. Size ofthe building, numberof occupants and typeof wall ratings (CHAPTER 2, OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATIONS ANDLOADS 1 It “The Life Softy Code distinguishes between new and existing occupancies. Which of che following scenarios would typically ot create a new occupancy? ‘4. Acompany that isreducing the siz ofits tenant space BA company that is hiring a numberof new employees «. Acompany that isrelocating to another building 4. Acompang that is moving into its new office headquarters fe. None ofthe ahove would ereate a new occupancy Inthe Inernational Building Coe, which of the following occupancy classification is affected by the number of occupants? a. Assembly and Institutional bs, Educational and Residential «Assembly and Educational 4. Residential and Insitutions Which of he following use types is usually not considered an Educational occupancy? a. College classrooms High schoo classrooms «Elementary schoo classooms 4. Nursery school classrooms Which ofthe following building types may not always be considered a Residential accupancy? 4 Monasteries Halfway houses «. Nursing homes 4. Hoeels «Condominiums ‘Which of the following building types would be the leas likely to be a mixed occupancy? a. Restaurant 1. High-seewety prison «High school 4. Hoeel © Mall ‘Which of the following occupancy classifications is currently nor heavily regulated asa public accommodation by the Americans with Disabilities Act? 1 Institutional bs, Business «. Factories 4 Mercanile Which of the following statements about accessory occupancies isnot true? 2. When an accessory oceupancy exists within a primary occupancy, most ofthe code requirements are hase on the primary occupancy '. The area ofan accessory occupancy must be ess than 10 percent ofthe primary accupancy's tea «Tobe considered an accessory occupancy the allowable area within the construction gype of building o space must also be considered 4. All the above items are tre SECTION 2, SHORT ANSWER QUESTIONS 1. 2. 2. 2B, 24, ‘When there is more than one type of occupancy in the same building, in which case must they meet the requirements of the most stringent occupancy classification? a. If they are considered separated mixed occupancies Di If they are considered non-separated mixed aecupancies © they are considered mixed mulkiple occupancies 4. If theyare considered separated multiple occupancies © bande In some eases you may decide to increase the occupant load ofa space so that itis higher than thar detormined by the load factor. When you do s0, you must als: 2. Make sure you provide additional exiting as required for the increased number . Make sue all the walls within the building or space ae rated «Typically get approval from cade official forthe increased number dd. aandconly €, Allof the above ‘Why is it important to determine the occupant load ofa space? 4. It is needed to determine the total required ext width for the space, '.Itis needed to determine the maximum number of people allowed in the space. It isneeded to determine the number of plumbing fixtures required forthe space. 4 aandconly € Allofthe above ‘What do you need to know in order to determine the required occupant load fora space? ‘Load factor and building type '. Building ype and occupancy classification «Number of eccupants and load factor 4. Load factor and square footage ‘When a building has a mixed occupancy, the occupant load for the whole building is determined by: 1. The occupancy tat allows the largest number af people 'b The occupancy with the mose square feet (square meter) «The occupancy with the highest load factor 4. By combining the requirements of each occupancy Ifa space has multiple wes, the occupant load for that space is determined by ‘a. The use that indicates the largest concentration of people The use cha occupies the space the most often «. Theuuse that has the highest load factor 44 The total occupant load forall the ses When calculating occupant loads, seats are considered fixed if a. The seats arent easily moved 'b. The seats are coninueus without ams Theseatsare used ona more permanent bass 4 aandb only « llofthe above (CHAPTER2, OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATIONS AND LOADS. Q) 13,

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