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Francisco Barrios S: 7-8 T: 8-9 R: 9-10 Chapter 6: Structure of Atoms (10/4) Constant Pressure Calorimetry [dH] Change in heat

t (qr + qsolution = 0)

Constant Volume Calorimetry [dU] Heat of combustion [qr + qbomb + qwater = 0]

Electromagnetic Radiation Energy that exhibits Wavelength Frequency Speed of Light -

like behavior

c= v x
What is the frequency of green light? (Wavelength = 560 nm)

As frequency increases, wavelength Electromagnetic spectrum range of all possible electromagnetic radiation

Problem: Find wavelength (frequency = 100 Hz)

Photoelectric Effect electrons are ejected when light reaches a Photons mass less particles of Plancks constant


Francisco Barrios S: 7-8 T: 8-9 R: 9-10 E = hv How much energy is carried by a mole of photons with a frequency of 200 MHz?

Atomic Line Spectra Line emission spectrum spectrum of elements emit light at only certain frequencies. Bohr model of the Atom Electrons travel around the nucleus in an R = 1.0974 e 7 m-1 h = 6.63 e -34 J x s c = 3.00 e 8 m/s N=

En = -RHC/ n2 As n increases, the distance between n and n+1 Potential energy of an electron becomes more N=1 as n increases N>1

What is the total energy of an electron in a single H atom if it is in the N= 1 level?

How about in the N= 3 level?

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