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At the Pool One Day On a hot sunny day by the pool, the camera is zoomed into different people's

conversations. The first is a man leaning on his knees looking at a boy fucking with some bees. Man: (with a big grin) Go ahead child, bees like to get fucked with... They suddenly look at each other like an eerie wind chill just blew on their backs. Then they both slowly look back in unison at a man coming in through the pool gates with broad and defined shoulders and elongated face slowly making his way past the pool' entrance. The shot jumps to another individual's situation occurring at the pool during that time. The next close up scene is two high school seniors getting some sun on the sun chairs. One asks the other. Q. Why did the girl have problems swimming? A. She didnt have boy-ancy! (breast) Q, How do you drowned a blond? A. Stick a stick-n-sniff sticker at the bottom of the pool. Q: What do you call a swim team made up of girls named Jennifer? A: Weird. Just as fast as they began laughing they stopped to slowly turn their heads towards the man walking in the pool gates with a swim cap. One nudges the other to make sure he is watching this but sure enough he already is. The next shot jumps to the axonometric perspective of three girls sun bathing while talking on their mobile phones, drinking pina coladas, gossip about last night and boys is able to be heard out of all the jibber jabber they talk. All their conversations seize simultaneously, and gaze at the man walking in with weird Speedos and goggles on his face. Something about this guy, whether it was the posture, stride, or big middle toe, there was something about his orra that entered the air like a heavy fart. it was like no one has ever seen before. However, as soon as the man found a seat facing the sun in the back of the pool, the odd glares at him seized and everyone went back to doing what they were doing.

The camera jumps back to the specific scenario in the same sequence where it left off: The boy starts swatting at the bees and the man snaps back into reality clearing his throat and says, that's it... fuck with them boy. As if wanting to see the kid get stung but nothing is happening. The two younger guys: Q: What kind of fish can't swim? A: A dead one. Q. Why can male elephants swim whenever they want? A. They always have trunks with them! Q. In which direction does a chicken swim? A. Cluck-wise! The three girls start a white noise of simultaneous gossip talking into their mobile phones. "oh, so last night she starts ovulating all over the place... like what the hell." Or maybe some stuff from the grease soundtrack: "met a boy, cute as can be.
Summer days driftin away. Summer fling, don't mean a thing, but uh-oh those summer nights. Tell me more, tell me more like does he have a car? Did you get very far, was it love at first sight? Did she put up a fight? we went strolling, drank lemonade, we made out under the dock, we stayed out 'till ten o'clock. Tell me more, tell me more but you don't gotta brag, Tell me more, tell me more cuz he sounds like a drag. Tell me more, tell me more, How much dough did he spend? Tell me more, tell me more could she get me a friend? It turned colder - that's where it ends, So I told her we'd still be friends Then we made our true love vow. Wonder what she's doing now. Summer dreams ripped at the seams, bu-ut oh, those su-ummer nights."

As they gossip on their phones they are engulfed by a huge cloud of marijuana smoke and look back all at the same time real slowly only to see a man that looks like Michal Phelps looking back at them with a glass bong in his hand just like his famous photo. Then when they make the connection it hits them like a slap in the face. The girls immediately start gossiping about how they are watching Michal Phelps smoke weed again after he lost his Wheaties contract and what not: Oh... my... god.... Becky, you would not believe.... Before they have a chance to say the next word, a hand reaches into their zoomed up private conversations and grabs their phones off their faces. Crushes all of them by squeezing each one individually between his head and shoulder. Then throws the last one into the pool hitting an innocent bystander and they sink like a stone. The two young guys look back at the commotion.

Guy 1: Dude isn't that the guy in the magazine? (he holds up the magazine to
display the bellow image in the article:

Guy 2: His arms look longer in real life. We have to tell someone. OR

Guy 2: Dude, thats Michal Phelps.

They reach for their phones and before they know it he has smashed them between his inner thighs. As Phelps towers over them shading the sun Guy 1 asks: Guy 1: Dude, how do you swim so fast? Phelps: "it's weird, I've never shown anybody this but the reason I do so good is because of these." Then points down at his feet. The camera looks down at his feet and zooms into his foot's toes as he quickly extends and separates them to display fully formed webbings in between each toe. As fast as they are spread out to the max the foot launches up at the camera,

effectively kicking the two kids in the face while their heads were close to each other in aww of what they were witnessing. Phelps looks right to see the old man about to dial on his phone... Man: (in a nervous voice) Michal Phelps? How come your here and not in some fancy

Hollywood pool party?

Phelps, I like to fuck with people. They look at each other and say damn. Then he pulls a pipe out of the crotch of his Speedos and hits it then elevates over the floor. Phelps: Everyone can get hi, but I can fly. From the floating position he starts doing the underwater fish swim and starts swimming up into the sky. The man telling the kid to fuck with the bees falls back from amazement pining the kid between him and the bees nest. All the pool occupants lay there and watch Phelps fly away, except the kid who's limbs are twitching underneath the man. The final shot is one of the guys waking up from the heat and realizing he was passed out for a long time and it was all a crazy nightmare, but then his friend says: Q. Why do you have to do the backstroke after eating all-you-can eat bread sticks and salad at Olive Garden? A. Cus you cant swim on a full stomach. The other guy has a panicked look instead of a laughing response. He then looks around as a sheering sound gets louder and louder and sees the man talking to the kid to his left, then looks behind him to the right and sees the three girls gossiping, then looks forward and sees Phelps walking and shot turns to black zoomed into his wide eye expression at the climax of the sheering sound. Alternate Ending: The final shot is Phelps wakes up on a couch behind a coffee table full of beer and a bong. It was all a dream (with serious face).... and what a dream it was (with a smile), then reaches for the bong, hits it, then lays back to sleep to finish his crazy dreams.

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