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Reference- act or instance of referring. 2. a mention; allusion.

3. something for which a name or designation stands; denotation. 4. a direction in a book or writing to some other book, passage, etc. 5. a book, passage, etc., to which one is directed. Subpoena- the usual writ for the summoning of witnesses or the submission of evidence, as records or documents, before a court or other deliberative body.
Summon- to call upon to do something specified.

2. to call for the presence of, as by command, message, or signal; call. 3. to call or notify to appear at a specified place, especially before a court: to summon a defendant. 4. to authorize or order a gathering of; call together by authority, as for deliberation or action: to summon parliament. 5. to call into action; rouse; call forth (often. followed by up ): to summon all one's courage. Supra- above, especially when used in referring to parts of a text.
Waiver- 1. an intentional relinquishment of some right, interest, or the like.

2. an express or written statement of such relinquishment. Lucid- 1. easily understood; completely intelligible or comprehensible: a lucid explanation. 2. characterized by clear perception or understanding; rational or sane: a lucid moment in his madness. 3. shining or bright. 4. clear; pellucid; transparent. LEADS - something serving as a tip, indication, or clue lead in the murder investigation>

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