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Sheriff - Carl Ibsen Undersheriff Mike Dominick

200 West Broadway Street Missoula, MT 59802 406-258-4810 (office) 406-721-8575 (fax)


On June 12, 2011, Missoula County Deputies engaged David Burgert in a pursuit that ended in a shoot out. This occurred in the Graves Creek area of Hwy 12. Burgert escaped the pursuing Deputies and is still at large. Burgert has a history of running into the woods and surviving for extending periods of time. It is known that he is an accomplished outdoorsman, and has the ability to survive in the wilderness for an extended period. It is believed that Burgert had cached supplies in and around the area prior to the shootout. It is unknown if Burgert is still in the Graves Creek area or if he moved further into the wilderness areas, or if he is even still in the woods. However, we are requesting your assistance in keeping an eye out for him or any suspicious circumstances. It is reasonable to believe that whatever supplies he may have had are running short by this point. So, please notify us or your local law enforcement agency promptly if any supplies become missing from your hunting camps. Also, please be on the look out for any suspicious camps or caches that you may run across this hunting season. And, obviously be on the look out for Burgert himself. Please, consider him armed and very dangerous. While Burget does not have a specific history that would indicate him a danger to the general public, it is reasonable to believe that after such a long time in the wilderness he must be desperate for supplies. Burgert is 6 feet 2 inches tall with brown hair and brown eyes. He was 250 lbs, but has probably lost considerable weight if still surviving in the woods. Attached, you will find a photograph of David Burgert. Please share this information with your guides and anyone else you know of who spends a lot of time in the back country. Thank you for your cooperation, and have a safe and successful season. Lt. David Conway

(406) 258-4810

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