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29 July 2009

RE : Hypnotherapy Session with Micheline van Zijl A couple of months ago, I underwent a hypnotherapy session focusing on healing, with Micheline. I have rheumatoid arthritis and even though I was on medication for this, I was still experiencing a lot of pain which affected my quality of life. As a result I decided to try hypnotherapy. Although I was not apprehensive about the session, I had no previous experience with hypnotherapy and hence did not quite know what to expect. Within a few minutes I felt a total calmness about me and as the session progressed I could feel myself go deeper and deeper into a total state of relaxation. Although my body felt weightless my limbs felt heavy and separate from my body. I was in a total state of awareness throughout the session and focused on what was been said. Afterwards I felt relaxed and refreshed as though I had just woken up after a good nights sleep. Since the session my pain has become manageable.

Carol Burns-Thomson Cel : 082 895 3533

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