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Lesson Two: The Greek Alphabet Sight and Sounds of the Greek Letters (Module B) Study Aid Level

One: Sound Recognition Circle the Greek word or words that sound most like the English key word. Example: tooth Key Word 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. noon beg bed death gate ran phone set pop





nuf deg bed DEQ zht ran FWN SIT pop bux nam ph me foul LEPPS

noun big beb det ght pan swn sij pwp boux man th mic ful pifj

nwn bag BED deq get ram YWN set top fouk MAN kht mit qoul liy

noum beg bet bet ghq rhn twn sip pot bouk map pe mer youl LIY

10. book 11. man 12. pay 13. mix 14. fool 15. lips

The answer key for this exercise is on the next page.

Dr. William D. Ramey Sound Recognition

NTGreek In Session

Lesson Two: The Greek Alphabet Page SA1:10 Sight and Sounds of the Greek Letters (Module A) ________________________________________________________________

Key Word 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. noon beg bed death gate ran phone set pop

nuf deg bed DEQ zht ran FWN SIT pop bux nam ph me foul LEPPS

noun big beb det ght pan swn sij pwp boux man th mic ful pifj

nwn bag BED deq get ram YWN set top fouk MAN kht mit qoul liy

noum beg bet bet ghq rhn twn sip pot bouk map pe mer youl LIY

10. book 11. man 12. pay 13. mix 14. fool 15. lips

Dr. William D. Ramey Sound Recognition

NTGreek In Session

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