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1. Any relatively permanent change in behaviour place. When this occurs, the unconditioned stimulus d.

mulus d. use positive punishment until the hamster picks

that occurs because of experience is called: is: up the marble.
a. instinctive drift a. chemotherapy. e. use an intermittent schedule of reinforcement.
b. free will b. nausea.
c. learning c. the place where therapy takes place. 19. During operant learning, the tendency for an
d. determinism d. the sound of the nurse’s voice. organism to revert to instinctive behaviours is
e. conditioning e. smells surrounding the procedure. called:
a. free will.
2. John Watson defined the chief goal of 11. University students looked at slides of either b. extinction.
psychology to be beige pens or blue pens while appealing or c. shaping.
a. the self-actualization of human potential. unappealing music played in the background. Based d. instinctive drift.
b. to ensure world peace in a hostile environment. on this procedure, it is evident that the researchers e. latent learning.
c. the prediction and control of behaviour. are studying:
d. to solve the problem of consciousness. a. successive approximations. 20. Extrinsic reinforcers are defined as reinforcers
b. secondary reinforcers. that:
3. When Pavlov placed meat powder in the mouths c. operant conditioning. a. are not inherently related to the activity being
of canine subjects, they began to salivate. The food d. classical conditioning. reinforced.
acted as a/an: e. higher order conditioning. b. are inherently related to the activity being
a. secondary reinforcer. reinforced.
b. unconditioned stimulus. 12. In classical conditioning, the responses c. are related to the satisfaction of accomplishing a
c. successive approximation. involved tend to be ___________ but in operant task.
d. extrinsic reinforcer. conditioning they are _______________. d. are related to the inherent enjoyment of a
e. conditional stimulus. a. complex and not reflexive; reflexive particular task.
b. emitted; automatic e. are related to the avoidance of punishment
4. Learning theorists saw their research as an c. reflexive; complex and not reflexive 21. In their study of three groups of rats in a maze,
extension of Darwins' because d. secondary reinforcers; primary reinforcers Tolman and Honzik noted that _______ occurs
a. Darwin was the actual founder of behaviourism. e. unconscious; conscious without obvious reinforcement.
b. Learning theorists were interested in the a. operant conditioning
adaptation of species over generations. 13. The process by which a stimulus strengthens b. classical conditioning
c. Learning theorists were interested in the or increases the probability of the response that it c. latent learning
adaptation of an individual over his or her lifetime. follows is called: d. successive approximation
d. Darwin was the first to notice and study so- a. Higher-order Conditioning e. behaviour modification
called psychic secretions in dogs. b. Latent Learning
c. Classical Conditioning 22. Nursery-school children were shown a film of
5. When Danny feeds his fish, he notices that they d. Reinforcement two men, Johnny and Rocky, playing with toys.
swim to the top as soon as he turns on the aquarium e. Operant Conditioning When Johnny wouldn’t share, Rocky clobbered him,
light. In this example, the ________________ is the marching off with all the toys in a sack. One-way
conditioned stimulus. 14. Which of the following is a primary mirror observations showed that children who
a. presence of Danny near the aquarium reinforcer? viewed this film, when compared with children who
b. fish swimming to the top a. money had not:
c. aquarium light b. applause a. behaved more aggressively with toys and
d. fish food c. a comfortable air temperature sometimes showed almost exact imitations of
e. time since last feeding d. praise Rocky.
e. chocolate b. gathered toys together and asked where Johnny
6. The classical-conditioning term for an initially went so he could have some toys again.
neutral stimulus that comes to elicit a conditioned 15. Elton’s mother has been nagging and nagging c. were afraid to touch any of the toys for fear
response is: that he should stop fooling around with his piano Rocky would come in and clobber them.
a. instinctive drift and start studying. d. did not differ from one another in their play
b. vicarious learning Finally, in order to stop her nagging, Elton complies with the toys or in other behaviours.
c. conditioned stimulus and hits the books. This example illustrates e. girls and boys behaved differently following the
d. behaviour modification _________. film.
e. stimulus generalization a. positive punishment
b. negative punishment 23. A student notices that a classmate is praised by
7. In classical conditioning, nature provides the c. positive reinforcement the teacher for asking questions in class. The
_______ connection, and conditioning d. negative reinforcement student then begins asking questions also. The
provides the _____ connection. e. counter conditioning student is exhibiting learning through
a. vicarious punishment.
a. UCS-CS; UCR-CR 16. _______ occurs when a pigeon that has been b. vicarious reinforcement.
b. UCS-UCR; CS-CR trained to peck at a picture of a circle also pecks at a c. the application of cognitive maps.
c. UCR-CR; UCS-CS picture of an oval. d. the Premack principle.
d. CS-CR; UCS-UCR a. Stimulus discrimination
b. Shaping
8. Contemporary psychologists have suggested c. Stimulus generalization 24. When grade-school children cut back on the
that what an animal or person actually learns in d. Instinctive drift time they watch TV or play video games,
classical conditioning is: e. Successive approximation a. boys’ aggression increases whereas girls’
a. an association between a neutral stimulus and aggressiveness stays the same.
an unconditioned stimulus. 17. Once a response has become reliable, it will be b. the aggression of the grade-school children
b. a temporal association between one stimulus more easily extinguished: declines.
and another. a. on a fixed schedule for a certain number of c. the aggressiveness of the children increases.
c. successive approximations of the desired responses. d. there is no change in their levels of aggression.
conditioned response. b. on a fixed schedule after a certain amount of e. girls’ aggression increases whereas boys’
d. information conveyed by one stimulus about time. aggression stays the same.
another. c. on a continuous reinforcement schedule.
e. simple associations between any two stimuli d. on a schedule that varies around an average
that can occur. number of responses.
9. When a three-year-old named Peter was deathly e. on a fixed-interval schedule.
afraid of rabbits, his fear was eliminated through:
a. instinctive drift 18. If you want to train a hamster to pick up a
b. counterconditioning marble
c. a fixed-ratio schedule a. wait till the hamster picks up the marble and
d. a variable-interval schedule then give it a food treat.
e. extinction b. use negative punishment until the hamster picks
up the marble.
10. Patients may generalize the nausea caused by c. begin reinforcement when the hamster looks at
chemotherapy to the place where the therapy takes the marble.

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