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Sinopsis “El último paisajista”

Con mucha emoción y cierta nostalgia hacia unos paisajes vividos en la infancia,
y cuya degradación es imparable ante el progreso, el pintor murciano Pedro Serna sigue
recreándolo a través de sus acuarelas. “El último paisajista” representa un acercamiento
a este pintor, a su inquebrantable vocación pictórica y, sobre todo, a la tenaz y decidida
lucha de un hombre para encontrar y transmitir lo más poético e íntimo del paisaje a
través de su obra.

Synopsis “The Last Landscape Painter”

With many feelings of nostalgia, these landscapes of our childhood, whose degradation
is inevitable in the face of the booming construction era, the murcian artist Pedro Serna
recreates these landscapes through his water colours. “The Last Landscape Painter”
represents a bond between this artist and his unshakable calling to the landscape and
his overall tenacity in his fight to discover and show the poetic and intimate side of the
landscape in his works.

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