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10 Commandments for Hoon Dok School

1. I will put my priority to meet God and Communicate with Him through reading
DP and Father’s Words, HD(Higher Degree) & prayer, and writing an Inner Diary

2. I will do my best to develop good relationships with students and help students

3. I will never reveal any stories which connect to the privacy of students to anyone
outside of the class

4. I will practice Time Tithing, Tithing of All Things and Tithing of Human

5. I will not have any financial transactions with students

6. I will do my best not to miss homework which is important to change my life


7. I will do my best to take care of family members even though I am so busy with
lots of assignments

8. I will try to make at least 3 VIPs during the training and will guide them to attend
witnessing programs

9. I will do my best to harvest a beautiful fruit from the training by obeying the
leader, and by listening to the advice and teaching from the leader

10. I will pray at least 30 minutes for the leader, my fellow students in the HD school
and Chicago Family Church Community everyday

I promise to get the best result in the HD school by accomplishing the above contents
throughout the whole course

Date: Name:


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