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The Effects of Drugs and Alcohol.

By: Nikita Bhirud (09030122065)

What is Drug Addiction ???

Affects the Central Nervous System. State of periodic or chronic intoxication.

Overpowering Desire.
Detrimental Effect.

Types of Drugs :

Alcohol Cannabis


Alcohol can give you: Difficulty walking. Blurred vision. Slurred speech.

High doses of alcohol can:

i) Put you in a coma and Vomit. ii) Unconsciousness. iii) Give you difficulty breathing.

Slowed reaction times.

Impaired memory. Impaired judgement.

Cannabis :

Usually in the form of Grass.

Commonly known as Marijuana, Grass or Weed.

Usually taken in the form of Smoke. Bloodshot Eyes, Increased Heartbeat, very Dry mouth and Throat.

Doves :

Commonly known as Tab, Happy Face, Ecstacy etc. Hand made Tablets containing harm full chemicals. Takes 20 30 mins to start the effect. Causes exhaustion and depression. Continuous sweating, chills, blurry vision, increased heart rate, can also cause internal bleeding.

Cocaine :

Also known as coke or snow.

Its usually in the form of crystalline powder.

Taken by sniffing. Directly hits the brain. Can damage nasal membrane. Memory loss, mental retardation.

Effect on the Brain :Yellow area is effected area from the alcohol Area affected is know as the frontal lobes The frontal lobes are involved in our motor functions, problem solving, spontaneity, memory, language, initiation, judgment, impulse control, and social and sexual behavior.

Drugs are Bad

Drugs are Chemicals They work in the brain by tapping into its communication system and interfering with the way nerve cells normally send, receive, and process information Some drugs can make you look older causing wrinkly skin and loss of hair

Alcohol and drug are depressants that change peoples mood. Drugs and alcohol can ruin your life. If you take to much of them you can die.

Alcohol and drugs also takes years of your life and you can miss some of the best time or most important times in your life

Thank You..

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