Question 1 S

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Zhenyan Liu

MGMT 301

Questions (Choose any 4 out of these 5 to answer…)

1. Using the information in this scenario and the three websites provided, please do a
complete SWOT analysis for Yuengling.
The strengths of Yuengling are the qualities, fair price, traditional, product
innovations ongoing. Weaknesses are limited availability, production not meet the
growing demand, Processes and systems of old brewery. Opportunities are search for
a bigger market for Yuengling, extend out state and to oversea, support core business
economies, Profit margins will be good. Threats are Environmental effects, shortage,
and the surge in the growth of national breweries and a decline in the local market
threatened to break the Yuengling brewery's long and proud record of continuous

4. Describe the process you would recommend that Yuengling use to make a decision
in the scenario described above – focus on how the decision should be made rather
than what the decision should be (Individual or group? What are some things
management should do? What are some things management shouldn’t do in making
this decision?)

I think this decision is better making in group than individual, according to competitive

advantage through people, sharing information in management for the long-run success of the

company is very important. Management should do something for their workforce, and use

extensive sharing of financial information to achieve financial performance. Management

should not just adopted management techniques as simple as performance expectations and

coaching, reviewing, and rewarding employee performance.

5. Using your answers to the previous questions, what decision do you think
Yuengling should make? Recommend one of the five alternatives and justify it to
Yuengling management, along with an action plan for implementing that decision.

I would recommend that third option for Yuengling, to buy another brewery, but
there aren’t many for sale and those that are would be expensive and require significant

upgrades. Even though this option is a risk, but it will be long-term solution of the product’s

shortage. They can borrow the loan to buy another brewery, if they don’t have money.

Additional, the new brewery is not just supporting the old one, it also getting more customers

out of the state. I think this risk may bring the wealth, and creates the new market for them in

the future.

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