Ronite Form

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The University of Hong Kong The 42nd Rotaract Club, HKUSU, Session 2011-2012 Publication and Information RoNite

Enrolment Form i)Personal Particulars Name(English):__________________________ Name(Chinese): UID:_________________________ Gender*: M/F Curriculum:___________________ Year: Tel(Home):___________________ (Mobile): E-mail Address: Address: Hall(if applicable): ii)Preference for the first mass meeting: (please indicate your preference in order with 1 and 2) Date of the First Meeting October 13, 2011 October 17, 2011 Availability Membership*: Yes(No: )/No

iii)Preference for the team (please indicate your preference in order with 1,2 and 3) Team Decoration Team Programming Team Refreshment Team Applicants Signature: * delete as appropriate Date: Preference

Thank you for your application OFFICIAL USE Received by: Application Status: Opt In/Out Remarks: Reference No.:

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