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ENC Protocol Observe Time.

1. Preparation with the wearing of Surgical gloves 1.1Blanket, bonnet, Eye care Set, Vitamin K, Hep B, Handwashing 1.2Put on Gloves. 2. Protocol within first three minutes 2.1Calling out time of Birth. 2.2Towel Dry. 2.3Wipe the vernix. 3. When washing the baby: 3.1Carry out rapid assessment while drying. 3.2Remove wet cloth. 3.3Initiate skin to skin contact. 4. Abdomen of the mother 4.1Cover babys head with bonnet 4.2Cover with blanket 4.3Cord care 5. Injection of Oxytocin 5.1Check mothers secretion 5.2Initiation of early Breastfeeding 5.3Encourage sucking reflex. 5.4Eye Care 5.5Administer Vaccines

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