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(THE ART OF FILIPINO STICK FIGHTING) The Eight (8) Striking Techniques and its Application

Eight (8) Striking Techniques

Lesson Objectives:

the Eight (8) vital striking points of the human body and its striking techniques Understand why is it necessary that striking are directed to the vital points of the body Develop accuracy in delivery of the blows of the stick in the execution of the 8 striking techniques Enhance coordination, rhythm and timing in the execution of the movements

Hebrew 12:11
No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.

Warm up & stick exercises

All stick exercises is executed in 16 counts

Arms extended wrist rotation (middle grip) Wing stretcher (middle grip) Up & down (middle grip) Right & Left upward thrusting (normal grip) Right & Left overhead circling (normal grip)

1 Frontal b. 2 Nasal b. 3 Temporal b. 4 Mandible 5 Manubrium 6 Clavicle 7 Coracoid process 8 Acromion 9 Lesser tubercle 10 Greater tubercle 11 Humerus 12 Ribs 13 Sternum 14 Intercostal cartilage 15 Medial humeral epicondyle 16 Lateral humeral epicondyle 17 Capitulum 18 Trochlea 19 Radius 20 Ulna 21 Ilium 22 Anterior superior iliac spine 23 Anterior inferior iliac spine 24 Carpals 25 Metacarpals 26 Phalanges 27 Pubis 28 Ischium 29 Femur 30 Patella 31 Lateral femoral epicondyle 32 Medial femoral epicondyle 33 Tibia 34 Fibula 35 Medial malleolus 36 Lateral malleolus 37 Talus 38 Patellar ligament 39 Sacrum 40 Interosseus membrane 41 Ulnar collateral ligament 42 Radial collateral ligament 43 Intercostal mm. 44 Mental foramen 45 Maxilla 46 Zygomatic arch 47 Zygomatic b.

Eight (8) Striking Techniques & its application

Eight (8) vital Striking points of the body
1. 2.

Anatomical implication

Left temple/ left shoulder strike Right temple/ right shoulder strike


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Left knee strike

Right knee strike Abdominal/groin thrust Left eye/ left chest strike Right eye/ right chest strike Head/Clavicle strike


4. 5. 6.

7. 8.

Fatal, causes internal hemorrhage in the brain or skull fracture Same as strike no. 1 Numbing pain, dislocation or fracture Same as strike no. 3 Crippling pain & could be fatal Serious damage to the eye, may cause blindness Same as strike 6 Fatal, causes internal hemorrhage in the brain or skull fracture/may cause dislocation of the clavicle

Three (3) Drill method

Execute the 8 striking techniques using the following:

Stationary at right forward stance Stationary stepping the R & L foot alternately forward w/ each strike count Moving forward alternately stepping the R & L foot w/ each strike count

Discipline which signifies improvement through tribulation, is learned through acceptance, that is not by hearing or reading or thinking but by experiencing it.

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