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20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About

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20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About

by Mark Sanborn on May 4, 2009 Whether you like Ubuntu or not it is here to stay. Ubuntu has contributed a lot to the Linux community and its inuence spreads to more than 20 Ubuntu derivatives. Whether you like Ubuntu or not, it is here to stay. Ubuntu has contributed a lot to the Linux community in sparking interest in new Linux users and opening the doors to ease-of-use Linux. Their Inuence has spread throughout the Linux community sparking new distributions. Here are 20 of them you should know about:

Link: Linux Mints purpose is to produce an elegant, up to date and comfortable GNU/Linux desktop distribution. Linux Mint is one of the surprise packages

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20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About

of the past year. Originally launched as a variant of Ubuntu with integrated media codecs, it has now developed into one of the most user-friendly distributions on the market complete with a custom desktop and menus, several unique conguration tools, a web-based package installation interface, and a number of dierent editions. Perhaps most importantly, this is one project where the developers and users are in constant interaction, resulting in dramatic, user-driven improvements with every new release. DistroWatch has spoken to the founder and lead developer of Linux Mint, Clement Lefebvre, about the history of the distribution.

Link: Kubuntu is the KDE version of Ubuntu. This version comes packed with the KDE window manager instead of Gnome. Kubuntu is a free, user-friendly operating system based on the K Desktop Environment and on the award winning Ubuntu operating system. With a biannual release cycle and at least 18 months of free security updates for each release, it is the secure, stable computing environment youve been waiting for. Take the tour or hear what our users have to say. So basically if you like Ubuntu and prefer the KDE window manager you might want to install this instead of Ubuntu. It will save you the time of downloading and installing KDE and switching window managers.

Link: Edubuntus objective is to create an integrated and usable experience for

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20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About

educational users by enhancing Ubuntu with educational applications, tools, content, and themes. Ubuntu is an ancient African word, meaning humanity to others. Edubuntu seeks to bring the freedoms and spirit of Ubuntu to children, parents, students, teachers, and schools.

Link: Xubuntu is a community developed, Linux-based operating system that is perfect for laptops, desktops and servers. It contains all the applications you need a web browser, document and spreadsheet editing software, instant messaging and much more. If you like Ubuntu but prefer the XFCE window manager download Xubuntu and check it out.

Link: Gobuntu is a GNU/Linux operating system, derived from Ubuntu, that endeavors to adhere to the Free Software Foundations four freedoms and intends to provide a base for other free software platforms to build upon with minimal modication required. It does this by only including open-source non-restricted software. This means there will be no rmware, drivers, applications, or content included in Gobuntu that does not include the full source or whose license does not provide the right to use, study, modify, and redistribute the body of work.

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20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About

Gobuntu shares the same system requirements as Ubuntu. At present, this means Gobuntu is available for 32-bit and 64-Bit PC architectures and the install requires at least 4 GB of disk space.

Ubuntu Studio
Link: Ubuntu Studio. A multimedia creation flavor of Ubuntu. Ubuntu Studio is aimed at the GNU/Linux audio, video and graphic enthusiast as well as professional. We provide a suite of the best open-source applications available for multimedia creation. Completely free to use, modify and redistribute. Your only limitation is your imagination.

Link: Mythbuntu is an community supported add-on for Ubuntu focused upon setting up a standalone MythTV based PVR system. It can be used to prepare a standalone system or for integration with an existing MythTV network. Unlike similar projects, Mythbuntu keeps close ties with Ubuntu and all development is given back to Ubuntu. This architecture allows simple conversions from a standard desktop to a Mythbuntu machine and vice versa. The development cycle of Mythbuntu closely follows that of Ubuntu, releasing every six months with Ubuntu releases.

Ubuntu Server Edition

Link: The Ubuntu Server Edition built on the

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20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About

solid foundation of Debian which is known for its robust server installations has a strong heritage for reliable performance and predictable evolution. The Ubuntu Server Edition is changing the server market for businesses by delivering the best of free software on a stable, fully supported and secure platform. In the two years since initial launch Ubuntu can now be found in hundreds of organisations across the world delivering key services reliably, predictably and economically. Ubuntu Server Edition is an energy efficient, low memory and disk footprint operating system that helps build server functions that respect our environment with no compromise on agility and versatility. Ubuntu servers are available on Amazon EC2

Link: With over 45,000 downloads to date, Eeebuntu Standard contains everything you need to get working and playing on your EeePC from the beginning. It includes a full suite of internet applications, including Firefox for browsing, Pidgin for IM chat, and Thunderbird for mail. For work, a full suite of OpenOffice applications; Database, Presentation, Spreadsheet and Word all Microsoft Office compatible; and a selection of multimedia applications: VLC for watching movies and Banshee for listening to music. You even have support for your iPod with gtkpod!

Ubuntu Mini Remix

Link: You want to build your own Ubuntu based livecd, having the complete control over the installed software but you dont know where to start? Ubuntu Mini Remix is

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20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About

here to help you! Ubuntu Mini Remix is a fully working Ubuntu livecd containing only the minimal set of software to make the system work. Ubuntu Mini Remix ISO image is only 133MB. After downloading Ubuntu Mini Remix you can use Ubuntu Customization Kit, Reconstructor or any other tool to remaster the ISO and add the software/configurations you want, building your own Ubuntu based livecd.

Crunchbang Linux
Link: CrunchBang Linux is an Ubuntu based distribution featuring the lightweight Openbox window manager and GTK+ applications. The distribution is developed from a minimal Ubuntu install and has been designed to offer a good balance of speed and functionality.

Link: OzOs is an elegant stable environment of beauty, specically The Reality Dierent. OzOS is built on Xubuntu or to be more exact a Debian base and utilizes the sexy Enlightenment 17 Desktop. This is a special version of e17 that is brought to you by the most discriminating e17 user: Rui Pais; with his precious time and Enlightenment knowledge, he has created a Distro that is OzOS. Ruis easy e17 SVN Deb was the founding blueprint for the OzOS Live CD(With Installer) RC.

Ubuntu Satanic Edition

Link: In reaction to the Ubuntu Christian

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20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About

version we have: Ubuntu SE is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. It brings together the best free software and free metal music on one CD. You can also upgrade your existing Ubuntu installation with a comprehensive set of themes to make your desktop dark and malevolent. Dont worry; you can easily change your system back if you intend to recant.

Link: OpenGEU completes the missing parts of the E17 Desktop Shell and WM with a certain number of tools and applications from the Gnome Desktop. In OpenGEU you can nd a classic Ubuntu set of applications mixed with those provided and created from and for E17. Since this would not be enough for an easy integration of Gnome and E17, OpenGEU introduces a number of new E17 modules, applications and congurations specically designed by the OpenGEU Team for you to enjoy a new and easier desktop experience! Youll discover a nally usable and productive Enlightenment 0.17 Desktop, even if you are a beginner!

Link: The main goal of nUbuntu is to create a distribution which is derived from the Ubuntu distribution, and add packages related to security testing and remove unneeded packages. nUbuntu is the result of an idea two people had to create a new distribution for the learning experience

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back in early 2006, when Ubuntu was in its still early stages. nUbuntu started many years ago as a project with the intent for its developers to learn about distribution development and quickly evolved into a full scale project after recieving a large community response. Currently today, we have many developers and a large contributing communinty. Anyone interested in helping may do so by contributing ideas and packages directly to the nUbuntu developers.

Link: Since our debut in 2007, gOS has been praised for being the most beautiful and easiest to use Linux operating system on the market. Now with our third and best version of gOS, we have carried on our effort to create a Linux for the rest of us.

Ubuntu Jeos
Link: /whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos

Ubuntu Server Edition JeOS (pronounced Juice) is an ecient variant of our server operating system, congured specically for virtual appliances. Currently available as a CD-Rom ISO for download, JeOS is a specialised installation of Ubuntu Server Edition with a tuned kernel that only contains the base elements needed to run within a virtualized environment. Users deploying virtual appliances built on top of JeOS will benefit from:
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20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About

better perfomances on the same hardware compared to a full non-optimised OS smaller footprint of the virtual appliance on their valuable disk space fewer updates and therefore less maintenance than a full server installation

Ubuntu Mobile
Link: Ubuntu MID Edition targets an exciting new class of computers called Mobile Internet Devices. Ubuntu MID, based on the worlds most popular Linux distribution, and MID hardware from OEMs and ODMs, is redening what can be done in mobile computing. Ubuntu MID Edition, a fully open source project, gives the full Internet, with no compromise. Custom options may include licensed codecs and popular third-party applications.

Ubuntu Netbook Remix

Link: Ubuntu Netbook Remix is optimised to run on a new category of affordable Internetcentric devices called netbooks. It includes a new consumer-friendly interface that allows users to quickly and easily get on-line and use their favourite applications. This interface is optimised for a retail sales environment. Canonical has collaborated with Intel and is working with a number of OEMs to deliver Ubuntu on netbooks in retail. In keeping with the philosophy of our best work being available to everyone, the core remix product is available to all through the Canonical repositories. This version is free to download and modify by any user.
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20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About

Kiwi Linux
Link: Kiwi Linux is slightly a modied Ubuntu Desktop/Install CD for the i386 architecture, that is in sync with Ubuntus release cycles and uses its package archives. Hence it is easy to switch to and from Ubuntu and all the security and bugx updates from Ubuntu are getting into Kiwi Linux automatically. The latest release, Kiwi Linux 9.04 is based on Ubuntu 9.04. Differences from it include : All languages but en,hu,ro removed GUI for pppoeconf and support for Speedtouch 330 USB ADSL modem firmware (Romtelecom Clicknet) A graphical tool for restoring GRUB boot menus lost after installing other OSes. Evolution removed, no mail client at all on the CD Flash, audio and video codecs for restricted formats, support for encrypted DVDs Compiz extra settings GUI p7zip, unrar for better interop with Windows users archive les Got any that I missed? Comment below Subscribe via Email Enter your email address: Yes No No related posts.

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19 Responses



Thursday 30 December 2010 09:11 AM

20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About

Great post! I learned distros that I didnt know they existed! Very informative! Kudos!

2. 5-4-2009

Eric Wendelin

Good timing! I need to figure out the best distro to redo my old computer.

3. 5-4-2009


gNewSense ->

4. 5-4-2009

Matthew Chappell

You missed out WattOS which is Ubuntu specifically modified to be power conserving increasing your uptime on laptop batteries. Beta3 based on Ubuntu 9.04 will be released soon and has the updated WattOSPM GUI to laptop-mode-tools, Powersaving, X-backlight and other speed tweaks from Crunchbang Linux.

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Thursday 30 December 2010 09:11 AM

20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About You also missed out Upup (Jaunty Puppy) which is a meta-distribution being developed alongside the Woof package management system to allow it to use various distributions repositories so you get every application you could want easily on a liveCD, by Barry Kauler Puppy Linuxs old top dog. Karmic Puppy is also in the works but that may be a while as I think Puppy Linux want him back to sort of Puppy 5.0 for them.

5. 5-4-2009


You didnt have U-LITE ,this is a very speedy distro , its about 1/2 the size of Ubuntu . 6. Links 04/05/2009: Mandriva Rave, Eucalyptus Funded | Boycott Novell 5-4-2009

[...] 20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About Whether you like Ubuntu or not, it is here to stay. Ubuntu has contributed a lot to the Linux community in sparking interest in new Linux users and opening the doors to ease-of-use Linux. Their Inuence has spread throughout the Linux community sparking new distributions. [...]

7. 5-4-2009


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Thursday 30 December 2010 09:11 AM

20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About

You missed Moon OS: Wayne

8. 5-4-2009


MoonOS, a nice looking derivative with LXDE or Enlightment. Am using the LXDE version on a very old laptop.

9. 5-6-2009


The (complete) list: -> /wiki/Category:Ubuntu_(operating_system)_derivatives 10. Articles Collection of May09 Dako-Tux 6-24-2009

[...] 20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About [...] 11. Didier Misson (didiermisson) 's status on Thursday, 23-Jul-09 21:45:10 UTC - 7-23-2009

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20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About

[...] [...]

12. 7-23-2009

bob smith

Excellent article! Thanks very much for posting that.

13. 8-17-2009


Wondering why only Ubuntu ever gets press these days. I nd UNR 9.01 to be average, if a bit quirky, since UNR has 2 GUI based package installation tools. some folks say use this one, other folks say use that one.. the repositories have still not set Firefox 3.5 as the upgrade to 3.0.x, there are GUI problems when using the netboot features (set a background color). I mean, hype all you want, but this is just AVERAGE.

14. 10-5-2009


i totally knew that mint exist, but i never knew it derives from ubuntu. oh btw, gnome rules !!

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Thursday 30 December 2010 09:11 AM

20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About

15. 10-5-2009


Great post! im bit of a linux OS junkie. will give some of these distros a try over the coming weeks


nate 10-14-2009

Worth noting: Qimo for kids. It is based on Edubuntu, made specifically for younger children to get into computing.

17. 11-9-2009

Software Developer

Ubuntu is well-known OS and come with great features. It give flexibility, faster work around your application and most important thing is its free. So, Excellent OS pack with everything in one box.


azhar ali buttar

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Thursday 30 December 2010 09:11 AM

20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About


Its really a great post, I am a LINUX command line lover but this makes me come to the desktop

19. 12-9-2009

Nick Rhodes

There is also xbmclive From the wiki : XBMC Live is a boot-CD with XBMC Media Center pre-configued to work directly out-of-the-box without touching the users harddrive for demo purposes. Once booted, XBMC Live will give the user the option to either just run it as a demo from only the CD (not touching your harddrive) or do a permanent installation of XBMC Live complete with embedded operating-system onto a 2GB (or larger) USB-flash-memory-stick or your internal harddrive for a dedicated set-top-box style installation of XBMC

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Thursday 30 December 2010 09:11 AM

20 Ubuntu Derivatives You Should Know About Ads by Google

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