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Daliyem, S.Sos Jl. Pelan-pelan 544 Yogyakarta HP : 0812345xxx Email : daliyem@yahui.

com Yogyakarta, 25 January 2005 To : Manager of CV Hebat Tenan Langensari Street 43 Yogyakarta Dear Manager, Your advertisement in daily Kedaulatan Rakyat dated January 5, 2005 is really interested me to apply my application. Let me introduce myself, my name is Daliyem, a graduate from Social Sciences Faculty of Yogyakarta Jayasekali University, graduated in 2005. I have such an interest and attention in the administration and finance system. During my study, I mostly related in the field of administration and finance, both in campus as a treasurer of organization and out of campus as a finance part-timer staff. With the ability and experience, I encourage myself to apply for the position of finance staff in UD Hebat Tenan. Perhaps, I havent got enough ability for the position, but as an academic person I have ability to learn the new things and easily make adaptation. To convince you, I am ready for the interview session at any time. Thank you very much. Sincerely yours, Daliyem, S Sos.

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