Erin Willing Ham Darkness of Mankind

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Erin Willingham THESIS: ACCORDING TO LOTF AND HARMS WAY, MANKIND IS EVIL. Ms. Anhalt ENG 311 6 October 2011 Harms way: The Lessons of Youth Violence, Lord of the Flies, and The Darkness of Mankind All human are inherently evil. Well, Golding thinks so at least. It seems like a logical conclusion to come to, after witnessing some of the acts that humans are capable of. In Lord of the Flies, when society and order are taken away, the darkness shows through. In Harms Way: The Lessons of Youth Violence, again we can see the evil underneath. Apparently, all humans are born evil. Children dont have to be shown how to be bad, instead they are constantly reminded to act good. When law and order are forced on them all of their lives, their raw savagery and evil is covered up. Sometimes, it doesnt take much for our savagery to peek through the veil that society has thrust upon us. The kids in Harms Way, for the most part, havent had very good early lives. They havent been as influenced by society as the rest of us. Its easier for them to be evil. They commit murders, steal, lie, Conclusion

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