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nai | Systems Co KG Tec Ce Ess ‘TOV NORD Systems aces GmbH & Co. KG Technical Centre Essen ‘Langomarckstrate 20 D-45141 Essen Phone +49 (0)2017825.0 Fax $49 (0)201825-2517 essen@tuev-nord de wor tuev-nord de Tov? STEP-0834-7-8 to-hg AWNo, 1422/80 38 42600 Mr Tigmann Tel: 02077825-2740 13.09.2008, EMail Fax. 0201625-2321 Design Examination Report No. STK2 P 0834 7 02 For the component to Drawing No. 4HE-D-974 Sh. 1 Rev. 7, Sh. 2 Rev. 4, Sh. 3 Rev. 4 +2 Annex(es) the design examination as Pressure Vessel was conducted ace. to Directive 97/23/EC (Module G) and ASME Code Section Vill, Div. 1, Ed. 2004, Add. 2005 + TEMA-R 8" Edition - 1999 Possible green entries in the documents must be observed. (Chamber ‘Max. permissibl pressure PS | Permissible min max. temperature TS | Tes! pressure PT] Capacty tan) cc) (bar ives) Shellside 1115 =10 7410 160 4970 a 160 Tubeside 89 10/425 128 1.715 A 160. Remarks on exa see page 2 TONORD er anc Coe 2016005 Page 201 TEV NORD ofthe Design Examination Report No. STK2 P 0834 7 02 from 13.08.2008, tig-hg Systems Remarks on examination Design and dimensioning [Calculation results Q ‘Assessment of materials [Particular appraisal Approval of welding procedure ‘Scope of and procedure for NDT = qy Q Quaiification of welders oO oO oO Qualification of NDT personnel documents submitted: yes no Design calculation Q Oo ‘Operating instructions o @ The end documentation must include the documents not submitted for the design exami- nation. ‘The examinations not yet conducted must be carried out and documented by the TUV NORD Systems GmbH & Co. KG Inspector as part of the pressure test and final inspec- tion at the manufacturer's, The following examination endorsements must be observed. Examination endorsements The ASME/ASTM-materials are considered to be individually certified according to the PED. The mechanical and technological values according to ASME Section II, Part D (in- cluding the additional requirements for the impact test value > 27 J at the lowest operating temperature and elongation A >14 %) have to be certified by 3.2 certificates. Provided that the requirements of guideline 7/16 are met the values are to be certified by means of 3.1 certificate. More over the materials manufacturer has to guarantee the yield strength values at ele- vated temperatures specified in Table Y of ASME Section II, Part D. Notes No evidence was attached to the application documents showing that the materials used are sufficiently chemically resistant to the fluids contained in the vessel in the meaning of annex I, No. 4.1 b) of the Directive 97/23/EC. Any influence of the fluids on the vessel ee ee eS ee ee eee eee eee walls and seals was not taken into account in the design examination. A corresponding note must be included in the operating instructions. ee bee eel aL Lae at Soa

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