UTS Kelas 8 Semester Bahasa Inggris

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Jalan Tentara Pelajar Pluwang Pasekan 50651 Ambarawa ULANGAN TENGAH SEMESTER GENAP TAHUN PELAJARAN 2010 / 2011 Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Ingris Kelas / Semester : VIII ( delapan ) / 2 Hari / Tanggal : Waktu : 60 Menit PETUNJUK SOAL 1. Soal terdiri dari 25 soal Pilihan Ganda dan 5 soal uraian. 2. Periksa jumlah lembar soal, dan pastikan jumlah lembar soal dan nomer soal sesuai, jika lembar soal kurang atau rusak dapat minta ganti pada pengawas. 3. Jawablah pada lembar jawab yang tersedia. 4. Gunakan Pulpen warna hitam untuk mengisi lembar jawab 5. Jawablah terlebih dahulu soal yang dianggap mudah. 6. Teliti terlebih dahulu lembar jawab sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas. 7. Jika jawaban salah dan ingin dibetulkan, maka : Contoh : a b c d menjadi a b c d

A. Choose the right answer by crossing a, b, c, or d! 1. Zuli : ? Isti : Yes, please. Im very thirsty. a. May I help you b. Do you want anything to eat 2. Erni : Hello. Aini : Hello. This is Aini. ? Erni : Im sorry, but shes gone out. a. Would you like to leave a message b. May I speak to Ita, please

c. Would you like any fried chicken d. Do you want anything to drink

c. Tell her to come here, please d. I hope you fine too

3. Affendi : Hello. Can I talk to Syarif, please? Musto : Hes not at home right now. ? Affendi : Yes, of course. Could you please tell him to come to my house this evening? Musto : I will give your message. a. Would you like to leave a message c. Would you like to call back b. Could you hang off the telephone d. Could you dial the right number Text for number 4 6. Dear Irma, Hi friend, here I invited you to my 15th birthday party Date : Sunday, April 17th, 2011 Time : 4 p.m. Place : My house, Jl. Merbabu no.55 Ambarawa Please, arrive on time! Without you the party will be different. Cheers, Hanik 4. When the Haniks birthday party will be held? a. Monday, 17th April c. Sunday, 18th April th b. Monday, 16 April d. Sunday, on April 17th 5. In what year was Hanik born? a. 1998 b. 1997 6. What does the word you refer to? a. Irma b. Irmas friends 7. Puji Novi Puji : : :

c. 1996

d. 1995

c. Haniks friends d. Irma and friends

Hi, Novi! Oh hello, Puji. Look, this suitcase is too heavy for me. ? With pleasure. Well, come on lets lift it up together.

a. Would you help me, please b. How could I do it myself 8. Aisah : Sorry, Yuli, I must go now. . Yuli : Okay, see you. a. Let me go b. Excuse me

c. Shall I lift it up for you d. What can I do for you

c. See you too d. See you tomorrow

9. Enggar : Agus is very careless. What do you think about that? Isna : . He often forgets where he puts his keys. a. I cannot feel that it is right c. I think thats wrong b. I dont think so d. I think you are right Read the text for number 10 to 12! Attention Attention!!! All the students of SMP 18 have to gather in the schoolyard at 7 a.m. before school begins. There is an announcement from our principle, Mr. Anto. Thank you so much. Sport teacher Iskandar 10. Who is the announcement for? a. The boys of SMP 18. c. The girls of SMP 18. b. All the students SMP. d. All the students of SMP 18. 11. What time do they have to gather in the schoolyard? a. At seven oclock. b. At twenty past twelve. 12. Why must the students gather in the schoolyard? a. To hear the principles announcement. b. To attend a flag ceremony.

c. At twenty to seven. d. At half past twelve.

c. To practice ceremony flag. d. To practice basket ball.

13. Ali : Why don't we go to the book fair, Reny? Bagas : . I'm looking for a good English dictionary for my brother. a. I'm sorry c. That's not a good idea b. Thats a good idea d. Why do you ask me? 14. Hima : Good morning. . Lilis : Good morning. I'm Hima from Ambarawa I have an appointment with the headmaster. a. Could you help me? c. What can I do for you? b. What can you do for me? d. Would you help me? Text for number 15 and 16. To Mrs. Suryanti I found something wrong in my mobile phone. It cannot reply SMS. Please tell me how to fix it. Sorry I wrote this memo because you were not in your office. Thank you, Mrs. Pur 15. What is the purpose of the text? a. To give information c. To ask for information b. To ask services d. To give services 16. Who is the writer of the memo? a. The secretary b. The receptionist

c. Mrs. Suryanti

d. Mrs. Pur

Text for number 17 20. Last weekend the girl scouts and the boy scouts of my school had their first fun camping outside the school. They left for Cikoneng at 05.00 a.m. After a long and thrilling drive they arrived at the village and found a good camping site. Lets set up our tents there, said the leader while pointing at a garden. Then, they started to work to prepare everything for camping. In a short time the tents were ready and they put a small flag on the top of each tent. After that, some girl scouts made a fire while some others cooked their lunch. The boys were busy working. The lunch was ready at 03.00 and they immediately started to eat. After that, they took a little rest. At 04.30 p.m. the leader blew his whistle and all the girl scouts and the boy scouts gathered around to start their fun camping programs. 17. When did the scouts begin their fun camping programs?

a. At night. b. In the evening. 18. The scouts set their tents up . a. on the mountain b. beside the road

c. In the morning. d. In the afternoon.

c. at the garden d. in the valley

19. and some others cooked their lunch. (paragraph 3 line 5) What does the underlined phrase refer to? a. The teachers. c. The boy scouts. b. The girl scouts. d. The leader of scouts. 20. Whats the main idea of the third paragraph? a. The scouts set up their tents. b. The scouts came to the camping site. c. The scouts prepared everything for camping. d. The scouts started their activities in camping site. Fill in the blanks with suitable words of phrases! I had an amusing experience with my family when we visited Safari Park in Bogor. At about 9 a.m. we 21 at the park. My father bought five tickets for us in the ticket counter. We went along the route and we could see some wild animals in the nature. Some wild animals even walked freely along the road and welcomed us. Then we 22 the new animal collection. It was a grey kangaroo. Unlike the other kangaroos, their fur was grey. We got 23 experiences. It was a special vacation for me and my family. 21. a. had gone 22. a. looked for 23. a. boring b. arrived b. looked after b. exciting c. had visited c. looked at c. unpleasant d. had dropped d. took care d. disappointed

24. A. We went home the next day with a happy feeling. B. Last week our school went camping to the mountain. C. We had many activities during the camping. D. We left our school at about six oclock in the morning. E. Arriving there, we set up our tents and prepared our food. F. We went there by bus and had to go hiking to the camping ground. The best arrangement of the jumbled sentences is . a. B D F E C A c. B D F A C E b. B D F C A E d. B D F C E A 25. Arrange the words into a good order! Last country went weekend we the to side 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a. 1 4 5 3 7 6 2 8 b. 1 4 7 6 5 3 2 8 c. 5 4 1 3 2 7 6 8 d. 5 3 1 4 7 6 8 2

B. ESSAY 26. Change the verbs in the brackets into the past form! Hi, every body! I want to tell you about my football experience. When I was in Junior High School, I really (love) football. Every Saturday afternoon I (practice) in school field with my team and my coach. They (be) strong and smart players. My coach, Mr. Joko was a kind person. But, while he was coaching us, he was very discipline. He would grind anyone who (come). With Mr. Joko, our team (win) many tournament in many big cities. Our team named after our school, 67 Team from SMP 67 and we (have) many fans too, you know. Ohh, that was so cool. Now, I still love football and we have a team too. But, my parents warn me to pay attention more to my study. 27. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words are prepared! rapidly appear grew celebrated



Only a short time after I a my 13th birthday, everything was changing for me. One day I noticed that my voice was becoming deeper and sounding rough. The next few days, I was b to see hair growing on my face. Then I found out that my height was increasing c . I d 10 centimetres in just two months.

These changes e me feel awkward and clumsy. The most annoying thing was that acne starting to on my face. I was wondering, what happened to me.

28. Arrange the following paragraph into a good recount text! Firstly, we walked around the park. We could see many animals, such as one horned A rhinoceros and tapir. Those animals are one of the interesting attractions of the park. B That day was rather tiresome but we were really happy. When we got there, we parked our car. We walked toward the entrance gate and paid for the C entrance fee. Since it was so crowded, we had to stand in a long queue. Finally, we had a rest under a big tree. It is on the edge of the river. We had our meals on the D mat and had a small talk. We could fell the fresh air. Last Sunday, my family and I went to a national park. It just outside our town. Thats why it E was not a very long trip. Then we continued our walk toward the playground. It was another attraction of this park. F There were many children playing on the slide, seesaw, and swing. We walk to the swimming pool and swam there. 29. Here are some expressions used in telephoning. Match the expressions on the right column with the left column! No Column A Column B 1. Im sorry the line is busy. () a. Bisakah saya tulis pesan anda? 2. Can I take a message? () b. Mohon telepon kembali. 3. May I ask who is speaking, please? () c. Mohon tunggu sebentar. 4. Would you like to wait for a moment? () d. Apakah mau meninggalkan pesan? 5. Would you like to leave the message? () e. Maaf, saluran sibuk. 6. Would you like to call back? () f. Boleh Tanya, siapa yang bicara? 30. Say whether the sentences are true or false, based on the text! Linda : Hey, Hendra! Hendra : Hey, whats up, Linda? Linda : Hey, Hendra! Last week I went to Bandung by train. I met a boy. He sat right next to me. We had a conversation for a couple of hours, and I talked so much about my friends, including you. Then, suddenly he said he knew you. He also said that he used to live at the same complex with you when you were in Bandung. Hendra : Really? What is his name? Linda : His name is Arya. Do you remember him? Hendra : Arya wait what does he look like? Linda : He is shorter than you, has fair skin, and his glasses are quite thick. He always chews gum every thirty minutes. I dont know why. Hendra : Hmmm he always chews gum. Yes, I remember him! Arya is a very smart boy. He rarely hungs out with us but he is very kind. He still lives in Bandung? Linda : Yes and he told me to give his phone number to you. He was very eager to hear from you. Hendra : OK, Linda, thanks. Ill call him soon. a. b. c. d. e. f. Arya is shorter than Hendra. Arya live at the same complex with Linda. Hendra went to Bandung by train. Arya still live in Bandung. Hendra meet Linda in train. Hendra always chews gum every thirty minutes. () () () () () ()

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