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Oxfordshire County Council

Appleton CE (A) Primary School


Caring for others

As a caring school we believe in the importance of modeling our Christian values to the children. In our daily assemblies we have been talking about caring for others and sharing what we have with others. Last Friday the Macmillan coffee morning raised 443. The Harvest supper and sale of surplus fruit and vegetables raised 1060 for the Medic Assist charity and on Tuesday the elderly of the village received Harvest gifts and cards from the children. Tomorrow is Jeans for Genes day and the children and staff can wear any article of denim clothing to school (but should still wear their school sweatshirt) if they donate 1.00. We know that some of our pupils have already benefited from the genetic research which is supported by this charity. On Monday we have our final charity event for this half term - the 10 for 10 Charity which was started by a village family to raise funds for a rehabilitation centre for injured members of the armed forces. For a donation of 1.00 your child can wear red, white and/ or blue clothing instead of school uniform. Clothing should be warm enough to wear outdoors and we would still like the children to wear their sweatshirts. Thank you for all your contributions and support!
Newsletter Date: October 6th, 2011
Term 1 Issue 5

Diary dates: Friday, Oct 7th. Jeans for Genes Day

Mon. Oct. 10th Ten for Ten The children in Years 4, 5 and 6 went to the River Cole today as part of Day. their river studies. The children saw first hand what deposition and erosion were and how to measure the flow of the river.

River Cole field trip for Years 4, 5 and 6

We would like to thank the parents who volunteered to accompany them, Mrs Adams, Mrs Lovibond, Mrs McCarthy.

Thank you Harry

We say goodbye today to Harry Taylor who works at our After School Club. We will miss him but wish him well in his A Level studies.

Admissions to school for next September

Applications for places in Foundation Stage in September 2012 and for admission to Secondary School are now open. For further information please check the Oxfordshire County Council website. Please can you let your friends with 3 4 year old children know!

Scholastic Book orders by this Friday please!

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