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1st Year Computing for Engineering

Session 3: C Programming Basics

Michaelmas Term 1999

Lab Organizer: Prof D W Murray

Summary of what you have to do this session

Building C Programs Spend about 45 minutes working through

Exercise 3A Spend about 15 minutes
Exercise 3B Spend about 5 minutes
Main Exercise 8C Spend about 45 minutes on this

Document conventions

this typeface indicates something the machine should present,

this typeface indicates a Unix command to be typed by you.
this typeface indicates C code.

If on your browser, curly brackets {} look similar to curvy brackets (), you will want to change the fixed
with font on the Netscape browser. Select Edit, then Preferences, then, when the new panel appears, select
Fonts, and choose Lucida Typewriter (B&H) at size 10 or 12 for the Fixed Width font.

1. Getting Started

Login, and start Openwindows.

From your home directory, type into the cmdtool window

% /packages/demo/yr1/script3 [return]
which generates directories session3 and exercise3, and places several files in them. Change directory into
% cd session3 [return]

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2. Building a C program in Steps A-F

You are going to build a C program in elementary steps to highlight aspects of the structure of the language. At
each step, you will compile and execute the program to see what happens.

Step A: A program that does nothing.

1. Edit the program source code.

Type the following into the text editor, then save as squares.c in the directory session3. Don't shut down
the editor, you'll need it again.

void main()

2. Compile and link

At the moment, the program squares.c is just a text file, and cannot be executed by the machine. To turn
the program into an executable file, we first ``compile" the program, then ``link" it to the other routines we
require. Use the following incantation in the cmdtool window:

% gcc squares.c -o squares

The gcc program (The Gnu C Compiler) will compile squares.c, link it automatically to the standard C
library, and the -o squares puts the executable output into a file called squares.
3. Execute the program To execute the program, type in the cmdtool window:

% squares

Step A: Observations.

1. There were no complaints from Unix, so the program executed. However, as expected, it did not do
2. Every program has at least a ``main'' routine, which is where the program starts executing. Each routine
has a ``type'', defining the type of the return value of the function. Here though the routine does not return
a value, so it of ``void'' type. Most routines have a list of arguments given inside the (), but here we have
none. All routines surround their bodies with curly brackets { }. Here there are no statements though!
3. As we follow the steps below, you will see the general structure of a C program emerging: the program
comprises a set of routines, each of the form

type routinename (type argument1, type argument2, ...)

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return( value );

4. Also you will see the development cycle emerging, of edit, compile, then execute.

Step B: Adding a statement

Let us now add one statement to the main routine.

1. Edit. Go back to the editor, and add in two extra lines

#include <stdio.h>
void main()
printf("Squares from 1 to 10\n");

and then save again as squares.c.

2. Compile and Execute

% gcc squares.c -o squares

% squares

Step B: Observations

1. Each statement inside the body of the code surrounded by the outer curly { } must end with a semicolon.
The statement actually calls another routine printf() , which writes output to the standard output. The
"\n" puts a newline at the end of the text.
2. The #include <stdio.h> is a compiler directive which makes sure that C knows how printf() is defined.
(stdio.h is a file defining a number of routines for input and output.)

Step C: Adding comments

It is good practice to add comments to help explain your code.

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1. Edit. Go back to the editor and add

/* Name : squares.c */
/* Version: 1.0 */
/* Author : E Jarvis Thribbs */
/* Date : 12 Oct 98 */

#include <stdio.h>

void main()
/* This program will eventually
print out squares from 1 to 10 */
printf("Squares from 1 to 10\n");

Save again.
2. Compile and Execute. Save some fingerwork by using the exclamation mark shorthand

% !gcc

which will repeat the last command starting gcc. (This works for any command by the way: !p repeats the
last command line beginning with p, !pa the last beginning with pa, and so on.)

Step C: Observations

1. Nothing changes in the executable program. All text between /* and */ is ignored by the compiler, and has
no effect on the code.
2. Comments can appear anywhere in the source code. One restriction is that you cannot nest comments as
in /* A comment /* Nested = Bad */ */

Step D: Declarations of variables and constants

To save space below, some of the comments in the printed code may disappear. Obviously there is no need for
you to delete them.

1. Edit. Go back to the editor and add/alter:

#include <stdio.h>

void main()
{ /* This program will eventually

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print out squares from 1 to 10 */

int i,isq;
const int lolimit=1, hilimit=10;

printf("Squares from %d to %d\n",lolimit,hilimit);


Remember to save.
2. Recompile using !gcc
3. Execute.

Step D: Observations

1. The first set of statements in a routine are the declarations mentioned earlier. They always come at the top
of the routine, and the declared identifiers are valid only within the routine itself. Each variable and
constant must be declared --- there are no default values.
2. Here we use integer variables i and isq, and integer constants called lolimit and hilimit. Constants cannot
change their value during a routine.
3. The output is achieved using printf(). On execution, the format code %d is replaced with the
corresponding integer value.

Step E: Finishing off with a loop

1. Edit. Go back to the editor and add

#include <stdio.h>

void main()
int i,isq;
const int lolimit=1, hilimit=10;
printf("Squares from %d to %d\n",lolimit,hilimit);
while (i <= hilimit) {
isq = i*i; /* i multiplied by i */
printf("%d squared is %d\n",i,isq);
i = i+1;
printf("Finished looping because i=%d \n",i);

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Remember to save.
2. Recompile (!gcc)
3. Execute.

Step E: Observations

1. The variable i is initialized to lolimit.

2. The while (condition) {statements ... } tests that the condition is TRUE before entering the body of the
loop to execute the statements. When the condition becomes false, execution jumps to the first statement
after the loop's body.
3. Notice the statement i=i+1; What would happen if this had been omitted?

3. Laying out your code

There are few restrictions on layout in C. Each compiler directive has to be on a separate line, and care must be
taken splitting strings, but apart from that anything goes. As the mess below illustrates ugly programs are hard
to understand and debug, and are thus bad engineering practice.

#include <stdio.h>
void main(){ int i,isq; const int lolimit=1, hilimit
=10;printf("Squares from %d to %d\n",lolimit, hilimit)
;i=lolimit; while
"%d squared is %d\n",i,isq);i = i+1;}printf(
"Finished looping because i=%d \n",i);}


1. In a cmdtool window, copy the file squares.c to the file sqcubes.c

2. Edit the program sqcubes.c so that it calculates and prints BOTH the squares AND cubes of even integers
between 2 and 16 inclusive.

Don't just hack the existing program. Think a little about the design, so that your program, even though it
is small, is elegant and efficient. Perhaps the output should appear as a table:

i i^2 i^3
2 4 8

Some observations

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1. If there were language errors in your program, the compiler prints error messages to help you find the
mistakes. Use the editor to correct them, save the editted file, and recompile.
2. It is important to realize that if the compiler fails, no new executable file is written.

So if you had a working version of cubes, then altered sqcubes.c but introduced an error, and tried to
compile, the old version of sqcubes would not be overwritten. So, sqcubes might appear to run, but it
would be the old not new version.

2 ctd/ Building C Programs

Step F: Calling subroutines

Your solution to the exercise probably involved writing something like

int icubed;
icubed = isq*i;

Now suppose you had been asked to evaluate many more powers within the program. It would be tedious and
error-prone to write the expressions out explicitly. Instead you might wish to write a separate routine.

1. Edit your program by adding a routine. Save the program as powers.c

#include <stdio.h>

int power(int number, int pow)

/* This routine returns an integer value
* equal to number raised to the pow.
* Pow can be zero or positive.
int pwr,i;
while(i>0) {
pwr = pwr * number;
i = i-1;

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void main()
int i,i2,i4,i6,i8;
const int lolimit=1, hilimit=10;
printf("No Pow2 Pow4 Pow6 Pow8\n");
while (i <= hilimit) {
i2 = power(i,2);
i4 = power(i,4);
i6 = power(i,6);
i8 = power(i,8);
printf("%2d %4d %6d %7d %9d\n",i, i2, i4, i6, i8);
i = i+1;

2. Compile powers.c
3. Execute powers

Step F: Observations

1. The routine power() has type int because it returns an integer value using the return(pwr). The routine
has two arguments, number and pow. Note how the routine is called in the main program.
2. We slightly altered the printf() format string: %4d supplies an output field with a fixed with of 4 places.

4. Variables Types in C: int, float and so on

There are several basic types

int, which can represent integers from - (231) to +231-1.

float for floating point numbers. The largest float values are about &plumn; 3.40282 × 1038 and
the smallest non-zero float is ± 1.40129 × 10-45.
double provide a floating point nummber with higher precision and range.
char is used for single characters.

These types can be modified in several ways, but for now these will suffice. Mathematical functions tend to use
double precision floating point numbers rather than floats.

void main()

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int count;
float volume;
double fred;
char label;
count = -356;
volume = 2345.456;
fred = 2.123477834599725;
label = 'a';
/* Notice these are closing-apostrophes' '
and not `speech marks' */

5. Operators

5.1 Standard operators

+ Add (eg c=a+b;)

- Subtract (eg c=a-b;)
* Multiply (eg c=a*b;)
/ Divide (eg c=a/b;)
A common error is to forget the multiply sign

c=2(a+b); /* WRONG */
c=2*(a+b); /* RIGHT */

5.2 Operator precedence

There are strict rules for operator precendence. Expressions in brackets are worked on first. Multiplies and
divides are done before adds and subtracts. A succession of multiplies and divides or adds and subtracts is
worked on left to right. So, for example, suppose a=12 and b=4 and c=2, then

d=a/b+2; /* this is (a/b) + 2, => d = 5 */

d=a/(b+2); /* and not this! => d = 2 */

d=a/b*c; /* is (a/b) * c => d = 8 */

d=a/(b*c); /* and not this => d = 1.5 */

d=a/b/c; /* is (a/b)/c => d = 1.5 */

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It is always sensible to use brackets to make your meaning clear to you, others, and the compiler.

5.3 Some shorthand operators

j+=2; add 2 to j. Same as j=j+2;
j-=2; take 2 from j. Same as j=j-2;
j*=2; j=j*2;
j/=2; j=j/2;


What value would c have at the end of this ugly piece of code?

a = 8.0;
b = a - 2.0 * 3.0;
a -= 4.0;
c = ( (a/2.0/b) * 3.0/a*b)/b;
c *= 2.0;

You've got the message? Don't write code like this!

6. Conditionals

6.1 Numerical Conditionals

The while loop you included in your code was controlled by testing a condition. Conditionals are either
numerically based or logically based. A list of numerical conditionals is
Operator Example Result
< (a < b) True if a less than b
<= (a <=b) True if a less than or equal to b
> (a >b) True if a greater than b
>= (a >=b) True if a greater than or equal to b
== (a ==b) True if a equal to b
!= (a !=b) True if a not equal to b

6.2 Conditional IF statements

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Conditionals are also used in the very frequently used if statement, which executes the statements in the block
where the respective condition is TRUE. There are three flavours of if:

Using plain if

if ( Condition ) {
... statements A ...
(Executed if Condition is True)

Using if ... else

if ( Condition ) {
... statements A ...
(Executed if Condition is True)
else {
... statements B ...
(Executed if Condition is False)

Using if ... elseif ... else

if ( Condition1) {
... statements A ...
(Executed if Condition1 is True)
else if ( Condition2) {
... statements B ...
(Executed if Condition2 is True)
else {
... statements Z ...
(Executed if all Conditions are False)

Here is an example of an ``if ... else if ... else statement

if( i<0 ) {
printf("i is negative!\n");
else if ( i>0) {

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printf("i is positive!\n");
else if (j>0) {
printf("i is zero and j is positive\n");
else {
printf("i is zero and j is zero or negative\n");


Recall the program powers.c which used a routine to compute the value of integer raised to an integer power.
The integer power had to be greater or equal to zero.

Your task now is to modify the routine to allow in addition raising to negative integer power.

There are many ways of achieving this. It is worth thinking first about some common aspects to any solution.

1. The routine power() will have to check for a negative argument. This requires the use of the if
2. Because an integer raised to a negative number is a floating point number, the result will now have to be a
double rather than an int. This will have repercussions in the main routine too.
3. Usually, the less ``clever'' you make the code, the easier it is to write and debug, and the easier it is to
understand at a later date.

A partial solution has been supplied to you, and is listed later.

1. % cd ~/exercise8

and then check that file npowers.c exists.

2. Load npowers.c into the text editor. You will see that the main routine is complete, but the subroutine is

3. Sort out the four ``FIXMEs'' in the code. Save the program, compile and link. If unsuccessful, reedit until
it executes properly. If you feel you are making no progress, consult a demonstrator sooner rather than

4. Finally, show your results to a demonstrator

/* LISTING of npowers.c */
#include <stdio.h>

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double power(int number, int pow)

int i;
double result;

if( FIXME ) { /* This should deal with negative pow */
while(i < 0) {
result = FIXME ;
i= FIXME ;
} else {
while(i > 0) { /* This should deal with positive or 0 pow */
result = result * (double)number;
i = FIXME ;

void main()
/* we will work out i^(-2,-1,0,1,2) */
int i;
const int limit=11;
double im2,im1,iz,ip1,ip2;
while(i < limit) {
im2 = power(i,-2);
im1 = power(i,-1);
iz = power(i,0);
ip1 = power(i,1);
ip2 = power(i,2);
printf("%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n",im2,im1,iz,ip1,ip2);
i = i+1;

Logging out

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As ever

exit openwin
And then don't forget to logout from the console


In this session We have seen the following basic programming constructions in C:

Assigments, eg result=1.0 + a;

Loops, eg for(i=1; i<= 10; i++) { ... }

Conditionals, eg if (i==2) { ... } else {...}

Subroutines, eg result = power( 3.0, -1.0);

We have also gone round and round the design, edit, compile, execute cycle.

Lab devised by: David Murray

Lab Organizer: David Murray
Last changed June 15th, 1999

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