Main Resources Planning Department

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Main resources planning department

All resources are managed by this department. Main resources planning department process can divide in to 5 categories. 1. Coordinating 2. Planning 3. Resource managing 4. Meeting organizing

Coordinating Main resources planning department has to coordinate with all the departments, especially with
merchandising, production, cutting, sample room, inspection and stores to meet the deliveries BERA

doesnt have a sample room and merchandizing department. Every time Main resources planning department connect with Rathamalana BEL and coordinate BERA and BEL. Stores, cutting and packing are working under the Main resources planning managers management.

Planning Planning is the formal process by which specific objectives are set and details ways of meeting these objectives established. Of sub objectives and derivative plans must be developed at all levels within an organization to ensure successful of stated primary objectives

Main purpose of Planning

To meet the deliveries To fill up the factory capacity To get a higher efficiency

Normally Bandix essential do them best on standard allocated hours(S.A.H). they make production plan for pre month they calculate factory capacity using this factors 1. Average S.M.V of all styles 2. Target Efficiency of factory 3. Target working hours Normally BERA is plan to achieve 80000SAH per month. How to calculate standard allocated hours

Trim card

Trim cards are making style wise. One style has one trim card it made by merchandiser and it refer sousing merchandiser to packing department. It mean trim card have to details refer that all department. Normally all the details and example pieces had past in this trim card. 1. Fabric type and colour wise example (some style have several colours 2. Threads 3. Elastic 4. Labels 5. Heat seal 6. Strikers 7. Packing information 8. Care lable

Meeting organizing
1. Risk analyses meeting 2. Pre production meeting 3. Pilot appraisal meeting

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