ASU Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Format

Subject(s: Education
Grade level: College
Length of Lesson: 30

The Democratic Classroom

Essential Question: (What is the big picture of what you want the students to learn?)

What is democracy and how can it be effectively

applied in the classroom?
GPS Objective: (Written Out in full with number)

KPSGP1 Classmates will obtain a clear understanding

of the democratic classroom and be able to identify
the benefits and drawbacks to applying this model in
real world classrooms.
Lesson objective(s): Classmates will be able to discuss, in a democratic manner, the
Assessment of Objective(s) How will you know that they have achieved the objective?)
Introduction: (How will you get their attention?)________________________________
Teaching Procedures (How will you teach them? List and explain each step):
Guided Practice (What will the students do to practice the new skill?):
Closure: (How will students focus what they learned today?)______________________
New Vocabulary: ________________________________________________________
Materials: ______________________________________________________________
Credits/References: _______________________________________________________

Modifications: ____________________________________________________________

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