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SELF ASSESSMENT Discuss the results of your teaching in terms of the entire classs performance based on assessment criteria

a in meeting the objectives/targets. The majority of the class met the criteria listed on the rubric, two exceeded expectations, and a small group did not meet the expectations. Those that met the criteria listed a definition, how the disaster forms, how it is measured, and how it affects the world. Those who exceeded made comparisons between the disaster chosen and the other disasters we discussed as well as explaining the parts (eye of the hurricane for example). Those who did not meet the criteria generally left out how theyre measured or how theyre formed. Based on this assessment data, how would you use this information to plan for future instruction? In the future, I would leave out the measurement component because I think the concept of the Richter scale and Fujita scale were hard concepts for 6th grade. Instead, I would put more of an emphasis on how the natural disasters are formed. What did you learn about yourself as a developing teacher and your impact on student learning? (refer to Alverno teaching abilities and Wisconsin teaching standards) This field experience was the first chance Ive had to teach science. I have two support areas and my other experiences have been in mathematics. I believe because I had the opportunity to see myself ion a science setting I grew further in developing Wisconsin Teaching Standard 1. Teachers know the subjects they are teaching. The Alverno abilities that I think paired along with this growth were conceptualization and integrative interaction. Another WTS I have grown in this semester is 8. Teachers know how to test for student progress. I have learned the types of assessments, how to choose an appropriate assessment, when to give the assessment, and how to provide meaningful feedback. This growth in assessment helped inform me about student progress, they informed me whether the students were learning the material and met the objectives. The Alverno abilities paired with this WTS include diagnosis and coordination.

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