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The Medical Superintendent,

WAPDA Hospital,

Subject: - Medical Board.


Reference your memo No. 1642/MB-210 dated


As per your kind advice, latest original prescriptions

along-with photocopies of previous prescription of eye-specialist
and cardiologist, Nishtar Hospital, Multan, are submitted herewith
for renewal of Medical Board’s recommendations/opinion for
exemption from restrictions on reimbursement of medicine charges.

Kindly call for me at an early date to appear before

Medical board as my medical claims have been stopped since
last two months without any cogent reason which is causing
great hardship for me.

Yours faithfully,

D.A. as above.
Muhammad Ashraf Khan,
Rtd. Asstt. (Legal) O/o CAEB/
C.E. MEPCO Ltd., Multan.

C.C. to: -
The Chief Executive, MEPCO Ltd., Multan with the request
that Medical Boar, WAPDA, Multan, recommended for exemption
from restriction on reimbursement of medicine charges in my case
and my medical claims were sanctioned for reimbursement for
about 10 months in the past, but for the last two months, payment of
my claims has been stopped without any cogent reason. It is,
therefore, requested that orders to release the payment of my
pending medical bills may kindly be issued as a patient of angina,
hypertension and O.A. Glaucoma cannot afford to stop medication
as it is detrimental to my health/life.

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