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Our Life Together: 9nd - 16th October 2011

Sunday 9th
10:00am Speaker 11:30am 4.30pm 6.00pm Worship Service Bruce Honeybun Morning Tea Monthly Prayer Afternoon Church Family Light Tea

Wednesday 1`2th
7:30pm Blakes Home Group at D&M Walkers 7:30pm Mibus Group at Kath Lewis 8:00pm Young Adults Home Group at Church House

Enjoying God, Blessing Others

Sunday 9th October 2011

Monday 10th Deacons Meeting at Church House

Thursday 13th
7:30pm Music Practice

A warm Welcome to all, especially our visitors. Our Speaker this morning is Bruce Honeybun. We trust that all will receive a blessing as we worship together. Please join us in the Hall afterwards for Morning Tea.

Tuesday 11th
9:30am Ladies Walking Group 10:30am Church House Prayer Meeting 2.00pm BWF meets in the Hall

Friday 14th
9:30am Ladies Walking Group

Sunday 16th
10:00am Worship Service (plus Sunday School inc. Gr. 5 & 6) Speaker Tilleys from Family Life 11:30am Morning Tea 2.00pm Glenelg Aged care Service 5.00pm FUEL Study at Youth Shed

This Evening
Join us for our monthly Prayer Afternoon from 4:30-6:00pm, followed by a shared Tea in the Hall

Our Upcoming Highlights

Monthly Prayer Afternoon and Tea: Today - 4:30pm Deacons Meeting at Church House: Tomorrow - 7:30pm BWF Meeting in the Hall: This Tuesday 11th - 2:00pm Glenelg Aged Care Service: Next Sunday 16th - 2:00pm Silver Threads Craft in the Hall: Tuesday 25th - 12:00pm PBC Fundraiser at Upwelling Festival : Saturday 29th October PBC Airing of the Quilts: Saturday 29th October PBC Annual General Meeting: Sunday 27th November Secretary:
Jim Blake 39 Patrick Street Portland Ph: 5523 2347 M: 0425 714 633


notices in the bulletin, please contact Wilma Crouch on 5523 3595 or email by 10am Thursdays. Thank you.

Roster: 16th October 2011

Door Greeting: Mandy Malseed Door & Offering: Len Caddick Downstairs D&O: Paul Westlake Childrens Talk: Jim Blake Media Desk: Ian, Olivia, Jason Morning Tea: Lewis, Morrison Offering Counting: P Westlake & D Hobbs Lawns & Garden: Elias Ch. House Clean: J. Blake Church Cleaning: Westlake Hall/Kitchen Clean: Honeybun


you to everyone for your faithful support. Items most needed include: canned vegetables; pasta; shampoo; conditioner; jam; tissues; soup; tea; coffee; sugar; toiletries; biscuits. Place donations in the foyer trolley or in the marked box on the piano downstairs .

Loaves & Fishes

Dianne Adams 5523 6202 Paul Adams 5521 1875 Jim Blake 5523 2347 David Hein 5523 3958 Bruce Honeybun 5523 6750 Nathan McLean 5526 5293 Doug Smith 5523 6950 Jan Westlake 5523 3639

Our website:

Our Guest Speakers next Sunday . . .

Wayne & Belinda Tilley are migrant missionaries from Zimbabwe now on team with Campus Crusade for Christ Australia working in the field ministry of FamilyLife Australia. Wayne's difficult journey through divorce then the loss of being widowed, has been a road to discovering the difference God makes to a marriage. Belinda, single and pure until her marriage to Wayne, has enjoyed the blessing of marriage done Gods way. With a blended family of three they know firsthand the pain of broken families and the impact this can have on our children. Belinda and Wayne are passionate about seeing Biblically based marriage enrichment as the key to saving thousands of marriages and strengthening churches to be mature communities with a strong witness in our cities. They are also convinced that through this felt need of marriage and family many unchurched Australians can be reached for Christ, their marriages saved and their children rescued from the impact of a broken family life. They have a strong message that is illustrated by their own experiences and biblical truths. With a strong background in creative media to complement her life experience Belinda is ideally suited to enhancing the current capacity of the FamilyLife team right now. Greg Smith National Director of FamilyLife: Belinda brings skills to the team we have been praying for over the past 10 years. The need is urgent. The timing is now. We need Belinda on team, to increase her hours and to eventually get Wayne on board too. This couple greatly enhances our teams capacity to impact our nation. FamilyLife Australia works with local churches in providing marriage conferences and short courses, producing national radio broadcasts, and free podcasts. They are increasingly involved in social networking media and online provision of other resources designed to stimulate strong, healthy marriagesthe foundations of strong, growing families, healthy communities and a better nation. Belinda and Wayne will be sharing their story and their need to grow their team of supporting friends across Australia, offering an opportunity for others to also be pro-active in seeing Australian marriages and families rescued as they find the one who is Love.

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Col. 4:2

Total Sept. Offering: Monthly Budget: Weekly Target: Weekly Average Week Week Week Week 4th September 11th September 18th September 25th September $16,012 $16,250 $ 3,750 $ 3,425 $2,963 $5,977 $3,562 $3,509

Judith - returned to Melbourne for further treatment Judy Blake - post-surgery healing Gillian Karlberg - praise God for successful spinal procedure Melissa Chisholm & Dan Webb blessings for their married life Debbie Oakley - preparing for mission trip to Ethiopia Lees Brother-in-Law Colin - still long recovery after accident Pastoral Search Committee - Gods guidance in their patient search Upwelling Festival Market - Gods blessings for all our efforts Monday Neil Mitchell Tuesday Claire Moriarty Wednesday Bob & Janne Morrison Thursday Peter & Jo Moyle Friday Peter & Fiona Musson, Jake, Jessica, Harry, Isabelle Saturday Tim Nunn Sunday Claire Oakley

(avg. from 1st July 2011)

Direct Debit Payments for offerings and donations can be made electronically. Details are as follows:

Acc Name: Portland Baptist Church Direct Offering BSB 704 922 Account No. 100 006 869

Building Fund
September Donations: $ 1,470 Total B/F to 30th Sept. $524,125 Purchase of Land $360,000 Other fees & costs $ 72,299 Current available balance: $ 91,826

All gifts to the building fund are fully tax deductible. Please take the information sheets (blue & yellow) and envelopes are available in the porch. You can deposit straight into the building fund via internet banking using the following information: Acc Name: Portland Baptist Church Direct Building Fund BSB 704 922 Account No 100 007 044

Lets press on in faith!

Monthly Prayer Day and Tea at the Hall: This Evening - 4:30pm Deacons Meeting at Church House: Tomorrow - 7:30pm Ladies Walking Group: Tuesdays & Fridays - 9:30am Tuesday Prayer Group at Church House: 10:30-11:30am BWF Meeting at the Hall: This Tuesday 11th October - 2:00pm Michaels Induction at MBC: Sunday 16th October - 10:00am Glenelg Aged Care Service: Next Sunday - 2:00pm FUEL Youth Study: Next Sunday 16th - 5.00pm Silver Threads Craft Group meets in the Hall: Tuesday 25th October - 12:00noon Upwelling Festival Market plus Airing of the Quilts: Saturday Oct. 29th - Fundraising for Church Building Fund; Missions; SUFM; Debbies mission trip PARENTS ROOM
Parents are welcome to use the Parents room just off the foyer, with activities for children up to 2 years, especially during our prayer time and sermon if your child is unsettled. It is sound-linked to the auditorium.

A Special Invitation ...

Our weekly Prayer Group meets every Tuesday at the Church House from 10.30-11.30am. Everyone is encouraged to join in this vital ministry - you will find a very warm welcome there! You are cordially invited to the Induction Service of Michael Drennan as Senior Pastor of Mooroolbark Baptist Church. The Service will take place at 10:00am next Sunday 16th October and a Luncheon follows the Service. The Church is located at 153 Hull Road, Mooroolbark, Melway ref. 51:E2.

For your Directory

The new address for will be as follows: 16 Braewood Avenue Ringwood East, 3135 Phone: 9870 6330 Email: (effective from October 5th) Michael & Christy Drennan, Camden & Bailey

Our Monthly Prayer Day

TODAY 4:30 - 6:00pm at the Church Hall A light meal will be provided afterwards. All welcome - see you there!

Just Married!
Congratulations to Melissa Chisholm and Dan Wells on their marriage in Melbourne yesterday! May God always bless and guide you both in your new life together.

AND ...
Kelly Armitage also has a new home! Add to your directory: 2/65 Findlay St, Portland Mobile: 0409 385 689 Email:

Debbies Mission Trip to Ethiopia

Debbie Oakley will be visiting Ethiopia in early November as part of a group organised by Beyond Subsistence (an initiative of Jon Lambert) and Leadership Journeys. Leadership Journey is deliberately designed to challenge participants and assist them to deal with what they witness and experience. This helps build leadership behaviour and skills through self awareness, perspective, resilience and the development of a world view. Debbie is the leader of our Missionary Support Group and this will further equip her as she leads that group. The cost of the trip will be $4,700. Debbie has been busy raising funds for her trip and the church will be making a contribution to her costs, while the proceeds of Airing of the Quilts will also be directed to Debbie. We would also encourage individuals to make contributions to her expenses. We are looking forward to hearing Debbie share her experiences when she returns.

Silver Threads Craft Group

Silver Threads ladies will meet in the Church Hall on Tuesday 25th October at 12:00pm. We will need to discuss our Christmas breakup in November. BYO lunch and any current craft projects. All ladies welcome.

~ Special Annual Fund-raising Event ~ Supporting Missions, Building Fund & SUFM
Saturday 29th October at the Foreshore!
Part of the Upwelling Festival

Tuesday October 11th 2:00pm in the Hall
All ladies are invited to the BWF Meeting in the Hall this Tuesday. Wendy McGarvie will be our special guest. The Word for the day is Feet. Bring a friend, remember the trading table, and enjoy fellowship over afternoon tea.

AGM Reports and Nominations

We are approaching that time when we have to plan for our Annual General meeting. We are planning to hold our meeting at 12:30pm on Sunday 27th November after church and a shared lunch. Would all the ministry leaders please provide your reports to Wilma or Roger Crouch no later than Sunday 6th November, so that they can collate and prepare the consolidated annual report. If possible please provide the report electronically (email: Please advise Jim Blake if you are willing to stand for re-election to the position you currently hold. Please also see Jim if you would like to nominate someone as a possible replacement.

Cake Stall, BBQ, Donuts & Fairy Floss

Now a well-loved traditional PBC Annual Event, we are always delighted with the combined church family effort at this event, and are hoping for your help, donations and prayers again. All donations of baked goods, produce, jams etc will be gratefully accepted! We also need: Cake Stall servers - see Wilma/Roger BBQ cooks/servers - see Glenn, Dallas W Donut cooks/servers - see Brad, Paul A, Michelle A Muscles for Transport - see Lyndon AND ... Taa-daaahh! ... the famous

Special Thanks

to our Guest Speaker Bruce Honeybun today. Thank you to all our Guest Speakers for their willingness to bring us Gods message.

Thank You!

Jim & Judy Blake would like to thank everyone for their support with prayer, food and visits during their recoveries.

Airing of the Quilts!!

Due to popular demand, the Portland Baptist Quilt Show is on again! To be held in the Church on Saturday 29th October, 10:00am - 4:00pm. Entry by gold coin donation [no afternoon tea].
Set up: Friday 28th - time TBA - see Helen Sobey Volunteers: for Saturday roster - see Helen Quilts: finish & deliver Thursday 27th from 7:30pm - talk to Helen All Proceeds: donated to Debbie Oakleys Ethiopia mission trip Queries?: please see Helen or call 5529 2439

Operation Christmas Child

Samaritans Purse Christmas Child brochures and boxes are in the foyer and downstairs. Please join us in this simple but rewarding ministry. Feel free to fill more, remembering to enclose $9 per box for shipping costs. Our Shoebox collection and Blessing will be Sunday October 23rd. ~ Processing Volunteers ~ If you will be in Melbourne and can spare a few hours, the Christmas Child Processing Centre would like volunteers to prepare shoe boxes for their overseas journey. See Robyn, Dianne, Wilma or Roger for details, or phone 1800 684 300.

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