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DIALOGUE Solis: hi chipi Rodrigo: hi Chipi Chipi: hi renato hi Rodrigo long time no see Solis: yeah Chipi how

is the university? Chipi: I havent gotten into the university yet Rodrigo: why Chipi? Chipi: I failed chemistry Solis: oh Chipi you had a lot dreams Chipi: I think this time from know I will do my best Rodrigo: yeah me too, I went to return to Lima to keep studying Solis: yes, Rodrigo and I have been studying is very hard and we are on vacation now Chipi: hey guys what do you think you will have done in ten years? Rodrigo: well I think that in 10 years I will have built my own house and I will have finished the university Solis: in 10 years, I will have finished the university too I will have gotten a good job Rodrigo: and you Chipi? Chipi: I will have finished the university and will have traveled to Cancun and have a child Solis: What things wont you have done? Rodrigo: I think I wont have traveled around the world by my self Chipi: I wont have had sex and you renato? Solis: in think I wont have gotten married by the time Rodrigo: hey what do you think will happen in the world? Chipi: well I think in Tacna, there wont be water in 10 years because Tacna is located in a deserted area Solis: well I think that, the tourism will increase in 10 years Rodrigo: well talking about Peru education will be better and there will be more medicine for everybody Chipi: well I think the scientists will discovered the cure of AIDS

Rodrigo: in ten years the will be flying cars built by asian people Chipi: yeah well I think I will be the next president o peru Solis: thats a weird idea but it may come true well I think that peru is going to get better economically Rodrigo: it vas a interesting conversation but I have to go Solis: yeah me too is to late buy guys Chipi: bye brothers

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