Vermiculture Composting Worms

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Vermiculture - Composting with Worms

By Eddie Tanner (Fall 2003) Vermiculture is a composting method that uses worms to break down organic wastes into the richest organic topsoil on earth (worm castings). The finished product can be used in the garden or in house plants. It is, for anyone producing a constant stream of kitchen wastes, a simple and practical composting method. Vermicomposting bins are usually smaller than other compost bins, as worms don't need much space to live. Depending on how much waste you need to compost, a bin can range in size from 1 ft3 to 3 ft3 or larger. The small size of vermiculture bins makes them ideal for apartment dweller. They do not smell when properly contained, so they can be kept inside. Vermicomposting worms are small, red, and have a much faster lifecycle than their large earthworm cousins. Red worms, often-called manure worms, flourish in a pure organic environment and don't tend to migrate away from the worm bin. Red worms survive in temperatures between 45 and 85F, but prefer temperatures in the 60's. This usually means keeping the bin in the shade in summer and inside in the winter (in cold winter areas). Worms can be found in old compost or manure piles, or purchased at some garden stores. Worm bins can be made with any sturdy rectangular container by punching many small holes in the bottom and sides for aeration and fitting it with a tight lid. Follow the procedure below to get started. A more user-friendly approach is to divide the bin into 2 or 3 sections, each with at least one square foot of surface area. Add fresh waste to one section until it is full; then begin filling the next. Castings are harvested by digging out the oldest section. The worms in the finished compost can be returned to the bin. Castings can also be harvested by making the bottom of the bin out of 1/2-inch wire mesh. When the bottom of the mesh is tapped, the finished castings will fall out. USING YOUR WORM BIN 1) Add a 6-inch layer of shredded paper mixed with a small amount of soil or finished compost. 2) Add compost worms (if not already present). 3) Add a thin layer of food scraps (1-2 inches). 4) Mix in an equal amount of shredded paper. 5) Repeat steps 3 and 4 until bin is full. 6) Put un-composted material in a bucket. 7) Harvest finished compost from the bottom & retrieve any worms. 8) Add new bedding (shredded paper w/ some soil or compost) 9) Replace un-composted material into bin. 10) Repeat steps 3 through 5. TIPS: Compost worms dont like meat, dairy, or citrus peels Bread should torn into small pieces and moistened WORM BIN TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE Whats the probem? All the worms died Worms not eating fast enough Too many flies to surface It smells putrid shredded paper Why is it happening? bin is too hot bin is too dry material too dense population too small ------------------------------too wet What to do? add less food waste at a time water the bin add more shredded paper add less food/get bigger bin add a thin layer of soil or ash dont add liquids / add

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