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Sawing a lady in halI (n.d.

) Retrieved August 31, 2010 Irom

Created by Aaron Grossman, September 2010
Grade 6 Reading

The magician inserts a paper doll into a paper tube. The spectators can see the dolls head and
feet sticking out of both ends of the tube. The magician cuts the tube in half. When the doll is
removed, its whole' Read the passage. Then answer questions 1-7.

Sawing a Lady in Half
by Wayne Kawamoto

O 2 pieces oI paper
O 1 dark marker
O 1 pair oI scissors
O an envelope

Preparing for the Magic Trick
1. Seal the envelope and cut oII the ends.
You`ll want a 'tube that`s about Iour
inches long.
2. You'll also need a paper doll, which is
simply a strip oI paper with a person
drawn on it. We've used a strip oI blue
paper that is cut Irom the width oI a
standard 8.5" x 11" piece oI paper. The
strip is about 1.5" wide. The illustration
to the right shows the paper tube.
3. Here`s the crucial part. You have to
Ilatten the tube and cut two slits into what will become the bottom oI the tube. Basically,
you`ll separate the tube into thirds with the two slits. Make sure that the slits are wide
enough so the paper doll can slide through them. This is the secret. You`re ready to
perIorm the trick.


1. Slide the paper doll into the paper tube. However, once the doll enters the tube, you need
to slip the end oI the doll through the Iirst slit and out oI the back oI the envelope. And as
you Iurther work the doll into the tube, you`ll need to slip the doll back into the tube
through the second slit.

Sawing a lady in halI (n.d.) Retrieved August 31, 2010 Irom

Created by Aaron Grossman, September 2010
Grade 6 Reading

2. Begin to cut the envelope, however, be sure
that the scissors are cutting under the
envelope, but above the paper doll.
3. The picture shows how the scissors cut the
tube but don`t cut the paper doll.
4. AIter you`re done cutting, hold the two
pieces oI the envelope together and pull out
the paper doll. It will appear that the paper
doll has survived the cutting.
5. You can allow spectators to examine the
doll, but quietly crumple-up and discard the
paper tube beIore they ask to see it.

Wayne N. Kawamoto is a proIessional magician who entertains at private parties, corporate
events and restaurants and bars.


Wayne is the author oI Picture YourselI As a Magician, a beginner's book on magic. He is also a
regular correspondent Ior Reel Magic Quarterly, a video magazine that covers magic and is
distributed six times a year via DVD.

He has perIormed at Hollywood's Magic Castle. He has entertained the Los Angeles Dodgers
and been a Ieatured perIormer at the LA County Fair. He has entertained at corporate events Ior
Northrop-Grumman, Target Stores, Nordstrom, Countrywide, Century 21 and many more.

Sawing a lady in halI (n.d.) Retrieved August 31, 2010 Irom

Created by Aaron Grossman, September 2010
Grade 6 Reading

Answer the following questions about the passage ~Sawing a Lady in Half

1 How are bold-Iaced words used in
the passage?

A to list materials
B to show directions
C to explain new vocabulary
D to introduce inIormation with
4 What is the main reason why the doll
is still uncut at the end?

A it is magic
B you never cut the doll
C the doll slides back and Iorth
D the doll stays in the envelope

2 What is the passage mainly about?

A learning to draw a paper doll
B learning to do a trick to Iool your
C learning to Iollow a procedure
D learning to cut, Iold, and label
things in your classroom

5 What should you do with the paper
tube when you are done with the

A hide it
B slide the doll through the slits
C start a new trick
D cut it in two pieces
3 In the section 'Procedure, italics are
used to show that a word

A is an oIIicial name
B is what someone thought
C has a diIIerent meaning because
oI directions in the passage
D is Irom language that is not
6 Which oI the Iollowing directions
should you do last?

A draw a paper doll
B get ready to perIorm the trick
C pull the paper doll out oI the
D cut slits in the envelope

Sawing a lady in halI (n.d.) Retrieved August 31, 2010 Irom

Created by Aaron Grossman, September 2010
Write your answer to question 7 on a separate sheet of paper. Be sure to answer Parts A
and B.
Grade 6 Reading

7 The author says in Step 5 oI the Procedure that the magician should throw away the paper

A Explain why the magician should not let the people watching the trick see the paper

B What would happen iI one oI the people watching the trick was able to closely look at
the paper tube?

Use details Irom the passage to support your answer.

Sawing a lady in halI (n.d.) Retrieved August 31, 2010 Irom

Created by Aaron Grossman, September 2010

Question Answer Skill Standard
1 D Text Features 4.6.1
2 B Main Idea 4.6.3
3 C Text Features 4.6.1
4 B Cause and EIIect 4.6.3
5 A Cause and EIIect 4.6.3
6 C Sequencing 3.5.1
7 A: it has slits in it that
allow the doll to
remain uncut
B: they would know
the secret and it would
spoil the trick
Cause and EIIect 4.4.3

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