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Name: Date:3/1/2009 nabila Mathematics Exercises

1) 2201 104 + 255 =1352

2) 144 divide by 3 =48

3) 4.5 + 1. 75 =6.25

4) 18 kg 2.5 kg =15.5

5) (45 cm - 11 cm) multiply with 6 =34*6=204

6) Ahmad has 100 stickers in his sticker book. After a

while, he wants to give 23 stickers to his sister. Later,

Ahmads cousin gives him 47 stickers. How many stickers do Ahmad has now? 100-23+47=77+47=124 Ahmad has 124 stickers. 7) A schoolbag can contain 15 books. If there are 32 schoolbags in a class, how many books are altogether? 32*15=480 There are 480 books altogether. 8) Pak Ali has 56 fruits. After a week, 24 fruits have rotten. Pak Ali wants to share the remaining of the fruits with his wife and his two sons. How many fruits will each of them get? (56-24)/4=32/4=8 Each of them will get 8 fruits.
9) Norman has RM81. He buys a pair of sport shoes that

costs RM64.75. After a few years, the shoes become too small for Norman to wear on. So, he decides to sell the shoes RM5 less than the original price. If anyone has bought the shoes, how much money does Norman has now? (81-64.75)+(64.75-5)=16.25+59.75=76 Norman has RM76

10) In an office, there are 45 computers and 66 workers.

Each worker needs a computer. Only 45 workers can

use the computers. How many more computers are needed for the remaining of the workers? 66-45=21 There are 21 computers.
11) A cat needs 5.8 kg of food a day. What is the total

mass of food does the cat eats in a week?

12) Cik Zai has 46l of water. On a hot sunny day, 10 pupils

buy 2l of water each from her. How many l of water does Cik Zai has now?

13) Natasyas height is 150 cm. His older brother is 42 cm

taller than him. His younger sister is 23 cm shorter than him. What is the total height of Badrul, his brother and his sister?


2 1/4 + 3 2/5 1 2/4 =

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