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The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

The 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

The European Digital Landscape continues to evolve, with 2010 proving to be yet another exciting year of change. The rise of social networking, availability of video content and growing mobile media consumption is changing the marketers toolkit and creating new and unique opportunities to engage with the European consumer.

In order to understand this opportunity more clearly we are pleased to launch our analysis of digital trends for the European market. This report follows our Digital Year in Review for the US market,

and our Mobile Year in Review for US, EU5 (UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain) and Japan.

The many issues that will be addressed in this report include: How does the European digital consumer compare to the rest of the world? What European markets have the highest engagement online and how does that compare across age groups? Which site content categories are growing in popularity? What trends are we seeing in the social networking space and what impact does that have on email and instant messaging activity? How has the consumption of online TV content changed over time? What European smartphone operating system is growing the fastest? Which search providers are starting to make headway against Google in Europe?

The comScore 2010 European Digital Year in Review offers a comprehensive overview of the digital landscape in Europe. This report will examine the trends in European internet usage, social networking trends, online video consumption, mobile and search, and includes individual scorecards highlighting demographic data and top 20 sites for Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Table of Contents: 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

Europe Overview .................................................................................................................................. 4 Includes: Individual Market Penetration and Engagement, Demographic Comparison

Top Web Properties and Category Trends 2010 ............................................................................... 5 Includes: Top Properties and Categories, Trends in Instant Messaging, Email and Portals

Social Networking Trends 2010 .......................................................................................................... 7 Includes: Top Social Network Trends, Facebook Statistics, Demographic Analysis

Online Advertising Trends 2010 ....................................................................................................... 12 Includes: Ad Impressions, Advertising Exposed Reach, Top Publisher Categories

Category Spotlight: Couponing ........................................................................................................ 14 Includes: Region and Market Comparisons, Impact of Groupon TV and Video Trends 2010 ................................................................................................................. 16 Includes: TV Category Viewing, Time Spent Watching Videos, Average Video Length, Demographics of the Typical Video Consumer

European Mobile Market 2010 .......................................................................................................... 20 Includes: Smartphone Penetration, Comparison of Smartphone Operating Systems, Market Enablers

European Search Market 2010 .......................................................................................................... 22 Includes: Market Comparisons, Top and Emerging Search Providers

Looking Ahead to 2011 ...................................................................................................................... 24

European Market Scorecards ........................................................................................................... 26 Includes: Demographics, Engagement, Top 20 sites for Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.

About comScore and Our Methodology ........................................................................................... 35

The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Europe Overview
The Netherlands and UK Lead in Engagement Europeans spend the equivalent of one day a month online (24:20 hours) with the Netherlands (31:39 hours) and United Kingdom (30:38 hours) far exceeding this trend. Consumers in Italy (16:02 hours) and Austria (13:11 hours), however, spend nearly half as much time online as users in Holland and the UK. Austrias low engagement is not surprising as it has the lowest penetration of Social Networking sites among all countries in Europe.

Unique Visitors (000) and Average Time Online in Europe

Source: comScore Media Metrix, Dec-2010

Average Hours per Visitor (hh:mm)

60,000 Unique Visitors (000) 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0

33:36 28:48 24:00 19:12 14:24 9:36 4:48 0:00

Total Unique Visitors (000)

Average Hours per Visitor

European Demographics Skew Older than Emerging Markets Relative to the emerging markets of Asia Pacific and Latin America, Europes typical digital user is markedly older, with more than half above the age of 35. Of the more than 360 million online consumers in Europe, females represent a slightly larger percentage (48 percent) as compared to the worldwide average (46 percent). A comparison of individual market demographics can be found later in this report in the European Market Scorecard section.

Distribution of Internet Users, Age 15+

Source: comScore Media Metrix, December2010 UV (MM) World-Wide Asia Pacific Europe North America Latin America 28% 32% 24% 23% 32% M 15-34 F 15-34 23% 23% 30% M 35+ 25% 25% 28% 27% 19% F 35+ 26% 25% 22% 18% 25% 28% 19% 1,323.5 534.0 361.7 204.0 111.4

The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Europeans Spend More Time on Facebook than Any Other Site Facebook, with more than 230 million visitors, is the 3 most popular site in all of Europe and ranks higher than any other media property at keeping consumers attention. The other sites within the top 10 for time spent online are local favourites from Russia ( Group, Vkontakte and Yandex Sites), Spain (Terra Telefonica, the parent of and Poland (

Percentage of Time Spent on Top 100 Properties in Europe

Source: comScore Media Metrix, Dec-2010 Google Sites 11.7% 10.4% 10.0% Microsoft Sites Group Vkontakte Yahoo! Sites eBay Terra - Telefonica Yandex Sites All Other

Fastest Growing Content Categories Social Activities on the Rise With many social networking sites in the top ranking for Europe, its no surprise that sharing constitutes the most popular behaviour on the web. Consumers are enjoying passing along photos, experiences and updates in order to stay connected. Instant messaging however has fallen out of favour with a decline of 8.3 percentage points versus a year ago. Auction sites are also proving less popular, with eBay for example losing 3.6 percentage points in 2010.

Reach of Top Categories in Europe

Source: Panel only data, comScore Media Metrix, Dec-2010 vs. .Dec-2009 Search/Navigation Social Networking Directories/Resources Multimedia Retail News/Information Photos e-mail Technology Community Downloads Blogs Games Business/Finance Entertainment - Music TV Instant Messengers Travel Auctions Entertainment - Movies 91% 84% 75% 74% 73% 67% 67% 67% 65% 64% 62% 55% 55% 52% 49% 45% 41% -8.3 40% -3.6 37% 36% 8.6 10.8 7.6 6.5 7.2 6.1 17.2 3.7 4.2 7.7 5.7 3.4 2.5 3.9 2.5 4.8 3.8 3.6

Point Change from 2009 5

The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Instant Messaging Experiences Rapid Declines Instant Messengers were once one of the most popular pastimes online but times have changed with consumers spending 39 percent less time using IM. In their place, Social Networking sites have eclipsed most other activities and are a magnet for consumers to while away their day with 34 percent more time spent social networking versus last year. Contrary to the US market, web-based email has remained a small but stable activity throughout 2010.

Percent (%) Share of Time Spent Online in Europe

Source: Panel only data, comScore Media Metrix, Dec-2009 to Dec-2010 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%

Social Networking Instant Messengers

Portals e-mail

Email Still Popular Among the Older Generation A further analysis of the trends for web email, Instant Messengers, Portals and Social Networking sites show that there are slight differences between age groups. The younger generation aged 15-34 are increasingly shifting their online activity to social networking (+32 percent) whereas the older population, above the age of 35, are experimenting with social networking but also embracing the comfort of traditional email (+6 percent).

Year-over-Year Change in Time Spent Online in Europe

Source: comScore Media Metrix, Dec-2010 vs .Dec-2009 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -10% -20% -30% -40% -50% -38% -11% -18% -28% -42% 6% Ages 15-34 32% Ages 35+ 38%


Instant Messengers


Social Networking 6

The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Social Networking Growth in Europe

Europe Shows the Highest Growth in Social Networking Reach across Regions Social networking sites grew worldwide in 2010, fuelled by growth in Europe, North America, and Latin America. By the end of the year, social networking monthly penetration in Europe reached 84.4 percent of all European internet users, representing a 10.9 percentage point gain the highest of any global region. Social networking accounted for 22.8 percent of all page views in Europe in 2010, and approximately four out of every ten internet sessions included a visit to a social networking site.

Reach of Social Networking Sites by Region

Source: Panel only data, comScore Media Metrix, Dec-2010 vs. Dec-2009

North America Latin America Europe Middle East - Africa Asia Pacific 47.9%

89.8% 87.7% 84.4% 81.2%

2.7 N/A

6.6 5.5 10.9

Point Change from 2009

Social Networking Grows Across All Markets in Europe The overall growth in the reach of social networking sites in Europe reflects growth across all markets. The Russian Federation showed the greatest growth with a 21.5 percentage point increase, followed by Germany (up 16.6 points). Austria, despite having the lowest social networking penetration overall, also experienced significant growth with a 16.3 percentage point increase.

Reach of Social Networking Sites by Market in Europe

Source: Panel only data, comScore Media Metrix, Dec-2010 vs. Dec-2009

Europe Turkey Poland United Kingdom Finland Norway Netherlands Portugal Spain Ireland Russian Federation Sweden Italy Belgium Denmark France Germany Switzerland Austria

84.4% 92.2% 90.6% 87.9% 86.5% 85.6% 85.1% 85.0% 84.6% 84.2% 83.4% 83.1% 82.5% 82.0% 81.3% 80.6% 79.4% 75.2% 74.5%

10.7 4.0 N/A 1.8 9.7 5.0 0.0 6.9 11.3 8.1 21.5 2.6 4.2 2.5 5.0 11.0 16.6 1.5 16.3 Point Change from 2009

1 2

Year-over-year comparisons for Asia Pacific may include inorganic growth/loss due to a change in methodology in February 2010 and thus have been excluded At present, there are no comScore data available on the reach of social networking sites in Poland from 2009 from which one can draw a comparison.

The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Demographic Profile of Social Networking Users in Europe A demographic analysis of social networking users in Europe reveals women leading in terms of engagement. In December 2010, women spent 24.3 percent of their online time on social networking sites, up 5.6 percentage points from a year earlier. By contrast, men spent only 16.8 percent of their time on these sites, showing only a 3.1 percentage-point increase from 2009. These figures are well above the worldwide average, which shows women across the globe spending18.3 percent of their online time on social networking sites. Compared to Europe, women worldwide spent less than a fifth of their time online on social networking, and men spent even less, with only 13.1 percent of their time on social networks.

Percentage of Time Spent on Social Networking Sites by Gender in Europe

30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% Source: comScore Media Metrix, Dec-2009 to Dec-2010 +5.6 +3.1



The profile of social networking users in Europe also reveals an audience that generally skews younger, with 15-24 year olds representing 25.3 percent of users, followed closely by 25-34 year olds at 24.3 percent. While the breakdown of European visitors to Facebook and Twitter mirrors that of social networking site users in general, LinkedIn has an older age profile. Only 10.4 percent of its visitors are under 25 years old, while half of the sites audience is between the ages of 35-54. This older age profile is understandable given the sites orientation toward professional networking.

Demographic Profile: Share of European Visitors to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn

Source: comScore Media Metrix, Dec-2010 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 13.1% 16.4% 20.9% 24.3% 25.3% 12.4% 15.6% 20.4% 24.6% 13.5% 15.9% 19.9% 27.9% 22.5% 25.2% 27.1% 28.1% 10.4% All Social Networking Facebook Twitter Persons: 15-24 Persons: 25-34 Persons: 35-44 Persons: 45-54 LinkedIn Persons: 55+ 15.6% 20.9%

% of Market

The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Facebook and Social Networking Penetration by Market By the end of 2010, Facebook was the leading social networking site in 15 of the 18 European markets included in this report. Only the Netherlands, Poland, and Russia have other social networks in each case a home grown site with audiences larger than Facebook. With 48 percent monthly penetration of the internet user population in the Netherlands, Facebook currently ranks second to Hyves, while it also ranks second in Poland with 55.5 percent penetration behind It should be noted, however, that Facebook is growing rapidly in both those markets. In Russia, Facebook has its lowest penetration in Europe at 18.8 percent, currently lagging behind leaders Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, and My World. Turkey had the highest Facebook penetration in Europe at 90.4 percent, followed by the UK at 81.7 percent. Nordic countries ranked in four of the next five spots, led by Finland (81.2 percent), Norway (79.7 percent) and Sweden (78.5 percent). Italy ranked sixth at 78.1 percent, while the fourth Nordic country Denmark followed at 77.5 percent.'s Share of the Market in Europe by Percentage Reach

Source: Panel only data, comScore Media Metrix, Dec-2010

% Reach of Social Networking Sites Europe Turkey United Kingdom Finland Norway Sweden Italy Denmark Ireland Portugal Belgium France Spain Austria Switzerland Germany Poland Netherlands Russian Federation 0% 18.8% 20% 40% 48.0%

% Reach of 63.6% 81.7% 81.2% 79.7% 78.5% 78.1% 77.5% 77.0% 74.2% 74.0% 73.5% 69.1% 68.3% 67.3% 58.1% 55.5% 74.5% 75.2% 79.4% 90.6% 85.1% 83.4% 60% 80% 100% 84.4% 90.4% 92.2% 87.9% 86.5% 85.6% 83.1% 82.5% 81.3% 84.2% 85.0% 82.0% 80.6% 84.6%

The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Markets Showing Greatest Facebook Growth Although Facebook is not currently the leading social network in the Netherlands, it experienced significant growth in 2010 in that country and in several other European markets. In addition to the Netherlands, Facebook achieved its most significant gains in Portugal (up 48.2 percentage points), Germany (up 35.7 points), Austria (up 27.2 points) and Spain (up 18.5 points). In April 2010, Facebook eclipsed the leading social networks in Portugal (Hi5) and Germany (StudiVZ/VZNetzwerke) to assume the #1 position among social networking sites in both those markets. The previous year, Facebook grabbed the #1 position in Spain (from and in Austria (from

Top Five European Markets for Facebook Growth by Increase in Percentage Reach
Source: comScore Media Metrix, Dec-2009 to Dec-2010 80% 70% % o fMarket 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% +48.2 +18.5 +27.2 +35.7 +23.6 Point Change from 2009






Facebook's Growth in Portugal

Source: comScore Media Metrix, Dec-2009 to Dec-2010 80% 70% % of Market 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
Dec2009 Mar2010 Jun2010 Sep2010 Dec2010 Facebook overtakes Hi5 in Portugal

Facebook's Growth in Germany

Source: comScore Media Metrix, Dec-2009 to Dec-2010 70% 60% % of Market 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
Dec2009 Facebook overtakes StudiVZ in Germany







StudiVZ Sites


The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Advertising on Social Networking Sites Grows As social networking becomes a more integral part of the online user experience, the presence of display advertising on social networking sites continues to grow. In the UK and France, total display ad impressions on social networking sites grew by 47 and 64 percent, respectively, while in Germany that number more than doubled. The increasing prevalence of social networking as a component of the display advertising landscape is an indication that advertisers cannot afford to overlook this channel given its potential to reach a large number of consumers with high engagement. Though advertisers have sometimes resisted advertising on social networks due to low click-rates, it is important to recognise that display ads have brand-building impact independent of driving clicks.

Growth of Advertising on Social Networking, Display Ad Impressions (MM) UK, France and Germany
Source: comScore Ad Metrix, Dec-2010 vs. Dec-2009 Total Display Ad Impressions Social Networking Ad Impressions 80,000 71,398 70,000 Display Ad Impressions (MM) 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,106 20,000 11,193 10,000 0 Dec-09 Dec-10 United Kingdom Dec-09 France Dec-10 Dec-09 Germany Dec-10 +47% +64% 29,488 18,336 10,181 +102% 20,545 +13% -0.3% 63,182 57,050 +25% 69,356 69,148 71,149


The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Online Advertising in Europe

Display Advertising Reaches Over 97% of Users in UK, France, and Germany

In December 2010, internet users in the UK, France, and Germany received a total of 211.7 billion display advertisements, with users in the UK market receiving the most ads at 71.4 billion, followed closely by Germany with 71.1 billion. In all three countries, display ads reached over 97 percent of internet users.

Display Ad Impressions (MM) in the UK, Germany, and France

Source: comScore Ad Metrix, Dec-2010 72,000 Total Display Ad Impressions (MM) 71,500 71,000 70,500 70,000 69,500 69,000 68,500 68,000 UK Germany Total Display Ad Impressions (MM) France 69,148 71,398 71,149

Advertising Reach in UK, France, and Germany

Source: comScore Ad Metrix, Dec-2010 Advertising Exposed Reach 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% UK Germany Advertising Exposed Reach France 97.5% 97.3% 97.5%


The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Social Networking Drives Advertising Market An analysis of the top categories serving display ads in December 2010 for the UK, France, and Germany showed Social Networking to be a key driver of display ad growth. Social Networking publishers accounted for the largest share of display ads in the UK, where they served a total of 41.3 percent of all display ad impressions during the month. Services, which include Photos, Email, Instant Messengers, and Coupon sites, also served a significant portion of display ads across the three markets.

Top 3 Categories with Highest Share of Display Ads in the UK

Source: comScore Ad Metrix, Dec-2010 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Social Networking Services Portals 18.6% 11.3% 41.3% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0%

Top 3 Categories with Highest Share of Display Ads in France

Source: comScore Ad Metrix, Dec-2010 26.5% 18.9% 12.8%

Social Networking



Top 3 Categories with Highest Share of Display Ads in Germany

Source: comScore Ad Metrix, Dec-2010 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 28.9%

14.5% 9.2%

Social Networking




The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

The Rise of Coupon Sites in Europe

Use of Coupon Sites Grows in Europe The past year has seen online coupon sites emerge as an important channel in driving consumer behaviour in Europe, generating a 5.7 point increase in penetration. This growth is the highest seen in any region in 2010, bringing the reach of coupon sites in Europe to 9.6 percent of all internet users.

Reach of Coupon Sites by Region

Source: comScore Media Metrix, Dec-2010 vs. Dec-2009 World-Wide North America Europe Latin America Asia Pacific Middle East - Africa 0% 1.8% 0.8% 5% 10% % Reach of Coupon Sites 15% 20% 6.2% 9.6% 6.9% 18.8%

Groupon Contributes to Significant Growth for Coupon Sites in Europe The total number of people using coupon sites in Europe in a month grew 162 percent to 34.9 million visitors in December 2010 when compared to the prior year. The sizeable growth can largely be attributed to the emergence of Groupon, which was not a significant player in Europe in 2009. Groupon, buoyed by its acquisition of its leading competitor in Europe, was able to establish a presence in more than one hundred European cities in the past year and now reaches more than 12 million visitors a month, approximately one-third of the total coupon market.

Growth of Coupon Sites in Europe by Total Unique Visitors (in 000)

Source: comScore Media Metrix, Dec-2010 vs. Dec-2009 40,000 34,883 35,000 Total Unique Visitors (in 000) 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 Dec-2009 Coupon Sites in Europe Groupon Dec-2010 13,313 12,309




The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Use of Coupon Sites by Market An analysis of individual European countries shows significant variation in the penetration of coupon sites. France continues to lead in having the highest monthly reach (20.6 percent of all French Internet users), followed by the UK (17 percent), and Italy (15.2 percent). Italy and Turkey experienced the most growth, with a 15.0 and 13.6 percentage point increase, respectively. Following tough economic conditions across Europe over the past number of years, its not a surprise to see the rise of money-saving couponing activity. The viral nature of major players, such as Groupon that encourage sharing of offers via Facebook and Twitter, will contribute to their continued growth and act as a bellwether to other online brands about the importance of making content and offers sharable.

Reach of Coupon Sites in EU countries with Highest Penetration

Source: comScore Media Metrix, Dec-2010 vs. Dec-2009

Europe France United Kingdom Italy Turkey Germany Poland Spain Belgium Netherlands Portugal 0% 5%

9.6% 20.6% 17.0% 15.2% 13.9% 11.1% 11.1% 8.9% 8.0% 7.3% 6.2% 10% 15% 20% % Reach of Coupon Sites 25% 1.6 4.0 N/A

5.7 6.7 6.1 15.0 13.6 7.8


5.8 Point Change from 2009


The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Video Growth in Europe

TV Sites Set for Continued Expansion in Europe 2010 was a strong year for TV web sites in Europe, with TV site penetration in the region increasing by 7.5 percentage points to 47.4 percent of all European internet users in December 2010 second only to North America. Europe also leads in engagement with TV sites, as the average visitor spends 28 minutes visiting sites in this category each month.

German media giant ProSieben currently leads the European TV market with 32.5 million unique visitors in December nearly twice the audience of the second-ranking French property Groupe TF1 at 16.5 million. The German broadcaster ARD, the Italian Gruppo Mediaset, and the UK market leader BBC round off the list of top five TV properties for the region.

Reach of Television Sites Worldwide

70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% North America Europe Latin America Dec-09 Dec-10

Source: comScore Media Metrix, Dec-2010 vs. Dec-2009

+14.2 +7.5 +3.6 N / A3 +0.3

Asia Pacific

Middle East Africa

The increase in the regional penetration of TV sites in Europe is similarly reflected in the growth of visitors watching online video within the TV category across individual markets. In Germany, France and the UK, the number of unique viewers on TV sites has shown significant increases from 2009 to 2010. In December 2010, TV sites in Germany reached 16.3 million viewers, up 14 percent. France followed with the highest rate of change at 22 percent, with 15.0 million viewers. The UK also showed strong growth at 19 percent, with 11.0 million viewers.

Year-over-year comparisons for Asia Pacific may include inorganic growth/loss due to a change in methodology in February 2010 and thus have been excluded


The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

This growth in TV site video viewership proved to be more significant than growth in online video viewership for the overall internet market, which held steady in Europe over the past year.

Growth in Unique Video Viewers for TV Sites in Germany, France, and the UK
Source: comScore Video Metrix, Dec-2010 vs. Dec-2009 18,000 16,000 Total Unique Viewers (000) 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 Germany Dec-2009 France Dec-2010 UK

+14% +22% +19%

Viewers in Germany, the UK, and Spain Spend the Most Time Watching Online Videos While all countries in the EU5 (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK) show similar rates of penetration for the video market on the web, averaging 83.7 percent, the levels of engagement of users in these markets differ. In December 2010, viewers from Germany, the UK, and Spain spent more time watching online videos than those in the US, averaging 18.0, 17.0, and 16.2 hours respectively. Viewers in France watched 12.2 hours of video and viewers in Italy watched the least with only 10.4 hours. On average, the time EU5 video viewers spent watching online videos in December 2010 (14.8 hours) was just an hour short of how many hours the average viewer in the US spent watching videos in a month (15.8 hours).

Time Spent Watching Online Videos in EU5 and US During the Month
Source: comScore Video Metrix, Dec-2010 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Germany UK Spain US France Italy

Hours Per Viewer

Hours Per Viewer


The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Shift towards Longer Content is Shaping the Future of Online Video Perhaps the most significant trend in 2010 for the European online video market was an increase in the average length of videos viewed, indicating a shifting preference to consuming fewer, longer videos. 2010 was the first year in which the number of online videos viewed decreased in the UK (down 6 percent), France (down 14 percent) and Germany (down 13 percent). However, the average length of videos viewed in UK, France and Germany increased by 13 percent to 5.6 minutes.

The changing demand has been both witnessed and driven by evolving strategies of top publishers, resulting in a growing supply of monetisable content. For example, the average length of videos viewed on YouTube which accounts for 42.0 percent of videos viewed in the EU5 in December 2010 increased by 9.5 percent in UK, France and Germany over the course of the year.

Average Minutes Viewed Per Video in UK, Germany and France

6.0 5.8 5.6 Minutes Per Video 5.4 5.2 5.0 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0 Source: comScore Video Metrix, Dec-2009 to Dec-2010





The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Online Video Viewing Dominated by Young Males An analysis of the demographic composition of online video viewers shows younger males comprise the largest share of the audience. Typically, members of this demographic segment have been early adopters of new technology and media platforms. Within the EU5, under-35 year olds accounted for over half of time spent watching online video in December 2010, compared to 41 percent of total time on the internet. Two-thirds of time spent watching online video is accounted for by males, with the gender split for the web as a whole much closer to fifty-fifty. Viewing within the Entertainment category has a large impact on the skews. As an example, 16.3 percent of videos watched from Entertainment sites in the EU5 are watched by males age 15-24, with the highest ratio found in the UK (18.5 percent).

Composition of Time Spent Online By Age in EU5

Source: comScore Video Metrix and Media Metrix, Dec-2010 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Online Video 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 Total Web 55+ 27% 20% 24% 21% 12% 16% 19% 21% 23% 18%

Composition of Time Spent Online By Gender in EU5

Source: comScore Video Metrix and Media Metrix, Dec-2010 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Online Video Male Female Total Web 66% 52% 34% 48%


The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

European Mobile Usage 2010

Smartphone Penetration in EU5 Continues to Increase Smartphones continue to become an increasingly important segment of the European mobile phone landscape in 2010. Smartphone penetration in the EU5 (United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy) increased by 9.5 percentage points to 31.1 percent, placing it higher than the US (which saw smartphone penetration increase 10.2 percentage points to 27.0 percent).

Smartphone Penetration in EU5 and US by Market Reach

Source: comScore MobiLens, Dec-2010 vs. Dec-2010 (3 Month Average) % Reach of Smartphones in Dec-2009 35% 30% % of Market 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Europe Note: The total audience for comScore MobiLens includes persons age 13+. U.S. % Reach of Smartphones in Dec-2010

+9.5 +10.2

An analysis of the growth in smartphone reach in the EU5 reveals a dramatic increase in the adoption of Google and Apple smartphone operating systems (OS). Google Android, which experienced a 951percent gain in the use of its OS, now boasts an audience of 8.7 million subscribers in these five European markets. Meanwhile, Apple experienced a 115-percent increase to 14.5 million subscribers. While Symbian continues to lead the smartphone OS market, the growth in Google and Apple OS usage reflects an increasing popularity for both platforms that appears positioned for continued growth in 2011.

Year-over-Year Change in EU5 Smartphone OS Users (in 000)

Source: comScore MobiLens, Dec-2010 vs. Dec-2009 (3 Month Average)

35,000 30,000 Users (000) 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 Google Apple RIM Dec-2009 Palm Dec-2010 Symbian Microsoft +951%

+115% +65% +34% -2%

Note: The total audience for comScore MobiLens includes persons age 13+.


The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Market Enablers Help Grow Mobile Media Use The overall growth in the use of mobile media can be attributed to the continued increase in penetration of several key market enablers: 3G device ownership, unlimited data plan subscription, and smartphone ownership. Smartphone ownership increased 9.5 percentage points in Europe during 2010 to 31.1 percent, while 3G device ownership grew 5.4 percentage points to 47.1 percent penetration, and unlimited data plan subscriptions grew 2.5 percentage points to 7.5 percent. With smartphone penetration likely to reach half the European mobile marketplace in 2011, we can expect to see mobile media usage continue to soar in the next year.

Growth of Mobile Market Enablers in EU5

Source: comScore MobiLens, Dec-2009 - Dec-2010 (3 Month Average) 50% 45% 40% 35% % of Market 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Dec-2009 3G Device Ownership Mar-2010 Jun-2010 Sep-2010 Dec-10




Smartphone Adoption

Unlimited Data Plan Subscription

Note: The total audience for comScore MobiLens includes persons age 13+.


The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

European Search Market 2010

European Search Intensity Varies by Market
An analysis of individual search markets in Europe reveals differing levels of search intensity in these markets. Searchers in Poland, who make up a modest share of unique searchers in Europe, exhibit the heaviest search intensity, with the highest number of searches per searcher across all markets. In contrast, Germany and Russia, which have significant shares of European searchers, show lower search intensity than in most markets, indexing below the European regional average.

Search Intensity in European Markets

Share of Unique Searchers in Europe 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% Source: comScore qSearch, Dec-2010 200 180 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Searches Per Searcher 160

Share of Europe's Unique Searchers

Searches Per Searcher


The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Google Continues to Lead Search in Europe

Google Sites continued to lead the search market in Europe, reaching 9 out of 10 Europeans in December 2010. Facebook ranked second reaching 30.2 percent of the market and was the only social network in the list of top ten search properties. Microsoft Sites followed, reaching approximately one-quarter of unique searchers at 24.6 percent. eBay and Ask Network ranked fourth and fifth, reaching 18.8 percent and 16.7 percent of unique searchers, respectively.

Yahoo! Sites, the Russian Yandex Sites, app and toolbar maker, Amazon Sites, and the Wikimedia Foundation Sites account for the remainder of the top search properties in Europe.

Top Search Properties in Europe by Searcher Penetration

Source: comScore qSearch, Dec-2010 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0%

Searcher Penetration


The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Looking Ahead to 2011

Europe is Ripe for Continued Growth and Innovation IAB Europe reports that internet advertising is approaching a 20-percent share of total advertising spend, almost doubling its share over the last two years. While the immediately previous years saw a contraction in marketing budgets, the digital marketplace in Europe continues to grow. With growth comes innovation -- from advanced planning tools to sophisticated targeting techniques. Creativity is also beginning to take centre stage as marketers realise the previously unseen brand building benefits that digital can deliver. Most importantly, as consumers continue to expand their media consumption across a variety of devices and platforms, a rethinking of measurement approaches and marketing strategies becomes necessary. With that in mind, the following is a summary of the key digital media trends were seeing in Europe that will have an impact on the year to come: Social Networking: Social media grew immensely in 2010 and saturated at least three quarters of individual European markets. 2011 will likely see a continued growth in the use of such sites, as social networking continues to be an integral part of online life. Marketing on these platforms will likely grow as well, as social networking becomes more heavily integrated with publisher and advertiser sites. Notably, despite earlier concerns about low click-through rates on social media advertising, advertising rates in social networks in European markets increased in 2010, reflecting increased confidence in the value of such platforms in reaching highly-targeted audiences. New trends such as location-based social networking will also likely contribute to the evolution of marketing on social media. Advertising: The display advertising market continued to grow in 2010, with the Social Networking category accounting for a rapidly increasing share of impressions. The online ad market continues to evolve, with more advanced ad units, improved targeting capabilities, and higher quality creative. Video: In 2010, a noticeable trend in video viewership in Europe was an increase in the average length of time spent watching individual videos. With more viewers watching longerform content comes a more meaningful opportunity for video advertising online. It is significant to note that although overall video viewership in Europe grew by only a few percentage points in 2010, viewership on TV sites experienced much higher growth. As viewers increasingly look to online video for longer, quality content traditionally found on television, it is very likely that online video advertising will continue to experience exceptional growth. Mobile: As evidenced in comScores Mobile Year in Review report, we believe 2011 will be a transformative year for Mobile. We predict more than half of all mobile consumers will have access to mobile media, largely driven by growing adoption of smartphones. Identifying the synergies that exist between all consumer touch points traditional PC internet, mobile media (via app and browser), tablets, etc. and understanding how consumers use these devices to fulfill different needs and convenience levels will be of critical importance to marketers.


The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

Search: Search marketing continues to be an important component of an effective businessbuilding strategy. Local players are growing in popularity, particularly in Russia, which creates more options for both consumers and marketers.

2011 will undoubtedly be an exciting year for the European digital marketplace, and a strong understanding of both the similarities and differences across countries will be critical to the success of the modern marketer.


The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

European Market Scorecards, December 2010




The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

European Market Scorecards, December 2010




The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

European Market Scorecards, December 2010




The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

European Market Scorecards, December 2010




The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

European Market Scorecards, December 2010




The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

European Market Scorecards, December 2010




The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

European Market Scorecards, December 2010




The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

European Market Scorecards, December 2010




The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

European Market Scorecards, December 2010


United Kingdom


The comScore 2010 Europe Digital Year in Review

February 2011

About comScore comScore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) is a global leader in measuring the digital world and preferred source of digital business analytics. comScore helps its clients better understand, leverage and profit from the rapidly evolving digital marketing landscape by providing data, analytics and on-demand software solutions for the measurement of online ads and audiences, media planning, website analytics, advertising effectiveness, copy-testing, social media, search, video, mobile, cross-media, ecommerce, and a broad variety of emerging forms of digital consumer behaviour. comScore services, which now include the product suites of recent acquisitions Nedstat, Nexius XPlore, ARSGroup and Certifica, are used by more than 1,600 clients around the world, including global leaders such as AOL, Baidu, BBC, Best Buy, Carat, Deutsche Bank, ESPN, Facebook, France Telecom, Financial Times, Fox, Microsoft, MediaCorp, Nestle, Starcom, Terra Networks, Universal McCann, Verizon Services Group, ViaMichelin and Yahoo!. For more information, please visit

Our Methodology Central to most comScore services is the comScore panel, the largest continuously measured consumer panel of its kind. With approximately 2 million worldwide consumers under continuous measurement, comScore delivers one of the highest quality, most comprehensive views of internet browsing, buying and other activity, in the digital environment. Complementing the panel is a unique census-level data collection method, which allows for the integration of consumers internet behaviour with powerful audience-measurement insights. The methodology that comScore utilises to thread census-level collected data with the comScore panel is called Unified Digital Measurement. For more information, please visit:

The foundation of our MobiLens service is the continuous collection of consumer behaviour information. Using proprietary data collection methods, we survey nationally representative samples of mobile subscribers aged 13+. Survey fieldwork is conducted monthly and to ensure demographic representation, recruitment quotas are set based on each countrys census demographic and geographic profiles for age and gender. The resulting MobiLens survey panels are nationally representative samples of mobile subscribers substantial enough to provide projected data for subsegments as small as 1% of mobile subscribers aged 13 years of age and higher. The MobiLens sampling and survey methods undergo extensive analysis and market validation including comparisons to known network operator market shares, leading handset model shares, downloading activity, and other usage metrics. For more information, please visit:

FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: Carmela Aquino, comScore, Inc. +1 703 438 2024 Cathy McCarthy, comScore, Inc. +44 203 111 1746


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