A Film Unfinished-Annie Green

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Green 1 Annie Green Larry Neuburger English 102 6 November 2011 A Film Untitled In May 1942 the Nazis

decided to film the Warsaw Ghetto. The purpose of the film is unknown. In this film there are scenes of starved corpses lining the city sidewalks. Children are shown so malnourished their cheeks are sunken in. Mass graves had a slide the Nazis would use to dump the dead bodies. The only reason why was because these people were Jewish. Wars have always been fought over religion. I find this very ironic, because most religions are about being peaceful. In Christianity you are supposed to spread the word of God, not annihilate anyone who does not believe it. Religion is meant to be peaceful, to bring hope and purpose to ones existence during our brief stay on Earth. The Nazi Regime tried to annihilate an entire religion. The video we watched was sickening. It is disgraceful that a human being could be so cold-hearted and apathetic to that many human beings. Infants were dying, women, children, grown men starved to a skeleton-like figure. The sullen faces shown in the film were heartwrenching. This film contained no original audio. Excerpts from diaries were the sources for all narrative speech. Much of the film contained only silence. I loved the video. I hate seeing the circumstance, but the director did an incredible job capturing the pain and sorrow felt by the prisoners of the Warsaw Ghetto.

Green 2 Humans should feel compassion towards others. Love and acceptance should be mastered by everyone. We must not hate because of the color of ones skin, their religious preference, their families background, or their own beliefs. The beauty of the human race is the free will and individuality we possess. Closed-minded people need to learn to be more open-minded, and those who are open-minded should learn to openly converse about one anothers beliefs. A Film Unfinished provoked a lot of philosophical thought.

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