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of the

Shadow of the Swan

And her


The Shadow of the Swan Registered to: Port of Kyuden Gotei Rig: Two square rigs, 1 aft Gross tonnage: 70 tons Length: 75 feet Draft: 6 feet

Captain: Kitsune Kaito Crew: 10 sailors, 5 Samurai

Winter 1399 - Kyuden Gotei towards Lonely Shore City

28th OX

Left port on the even tide, 17 crew aboard. We lay bound for the River of Gold. Winds freshening in the evening. The crew is inexperienced, but cheerful.

2nd Tiger

Winds easing SW. Seas moderate. A rigorous exercise as we beat into the wind early morning. As the men and their oars eased, several tried their luck fishing off the stern. Tonight we dine on fresh fish.

9th Tiger

Moderate and cloudy, SBE. Hoshiko caught stealing rations that belonged to Mao. Ten lashes given at last light.

12th Tiger 15th Tiger

Heavy winds and rain., NW High seas. Second main halyard entangled around the mast until late morning. Moderate winds and sleet, NW. Moderate seas. Deck covered in ice. No fires are to be lit below decks until the weather clears.

16th Tiger

Wind fair, SW. Storm passes. We have blown further South from the storm, estimate that land is another several days away. Will make observations tomorrow if the cloud clears.

17th Tiger Winds easing, WSW. Still too overcast to observe

the positioning of the Sun and Stars.

20th Tiger

Fresh winds, E. Calm seas. Beating gently back along the coast. Clear skies. Land in two days.

22th Tiger Moderate winds rough seas. Boy fell from the mast
and split his head open. Dour mood sets as there is no land in sight.

26th Tiger

Fair winds, NE. Land in sight and men in high spirits. Dropped 3 fathoms. Will take 10 men ashore to exchange gifts and present travel documents to the harbourmaster.

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