Mnemonic For OB0001

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Good Friends Come With Compassion and Patience

The majority of employees in developed countries work in the service industry with the common characteristic being substantial interaction with the organization's customers. Management needs to create a customer responsive culture with employees who are courteous, accessible, and knowledgeable and prompt in responding to customers' needs.



Globalization: Organizations are no longer constrained by country borders and mangers have to be creative in their processes and posses the required skill sets to perform changing tasks. Assignments: Managers are increasingly likely to be transferred to complete foreign assignments and manage a workforce who has different work ethics, needs and values from their home country. Cultural Diversity: Management needs
to understand that to work effectively with people from different cultures; you need to appreciate how their culture, geography and religion have shaped them and how to adjust one's management style to employees' differences.


Skills: Focuses on relevant concepts and theories that can help managers explain and predict the behaviour of people at work. In addition managers must gain insight into specific people skills I for use on the job; for instance motivating staff, creating techniques for improving listening skills and forming effective teams.


Workforce Diversity: One of the most

important challenges for organizations IS adapting to people who are different. Workforce diversity addresses differences among people within given countries. Managing this diversity is a global concern and addresses gender issues, ethnic groups, age and physical and psychological abilities. This aspect of organizational behaviour poses challenging questions for mangers and employees.

Low Cost Labour: It is difficult for producers in advanced nations to compete with firms that rely on workers from developing countries in respect to minimum wages. In a global economy, jobs tend to flow where lower costs give businesses a comparative advantage. Managers face the difficult task of balancing the interests of their organization with their responsibilities to the communities in which they operate.
Prepared by Team 10 2


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