Mnemonics C & O Faced by MNGT OB0001

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Here are a few mnemonics to help you remember the Challenges and Opportunities faced by Management.

Notes taken from the text "Essentials of Organizational Behaviour" (2012) pages 29-35.

Economic Pressure: This focuses on
Managements' responses to economic conditions whether good or bad. Organizational behaviour approaches looks at management understanding how to reward, satisfy and retain employees when times are good and dealing with stress, decision making and coping during bad times. Allow people to communicate and work together even though they are not in the same physical space. Managers must develop the necessary skills to motivate, lead and make collaborative decisions online.

The creation of global organizations, communication technologies, requests by the organizations for employees to put in longer hours and the rise of the dual career couple; makes balancing work life conflicts difficult. Managers have to now design workplaces and jobs that achieve this balance or they will find it difficult to attract and retain the most capable and motivated employees. Employees face increasing ethical dilemmas and ethical choices when required to identify right from wrong. In recent years the lines differentiating right from wrong has been blurred. Managers are responding to this problem m a number of ways namely drafting and distributing codes of conduct, training seminars, and workshops and hiring consultants to address these issues. Today's managers must create an ethically healthy environment for employees, where they can work productively with minimal ambiguity about right and wrong.







Temporariness: Globalization, expanded

capacity and advances in technology have required organizations to change and reorgamze their operations. Workers are forced to constantly update their knowledge and skills to perform new functions as job security has been replaced with temporary work groups. e-

Innovation and Change: Organizations

are now tasked with offering innovative quality products and maintaining a first mover advantage to the market place with a continuous stream of goods and services. The challenge for managers is to stimulate their employees' creativity and tolerance for change. Prepared by Team 10 1


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