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3 Marks Question 1. What is HRIS? 2. What is an Assessment centre? 3. How does the placement differ from management? 4. What is in-basket exercise? 5. How do you distinguish reliability and validity in test? 6. Distinguish between living wage, fair wage, minimum wage. 7. Differentiate between wage and salary? 8. What do you understand by Employee Referral?

9. What is ESOP? 10. Difference between wage and salary. 11. Explain the concept of HRD.
7 MARK QUESTIONS:1. 2. 3. 4. Explain the theories of Recruitment? Explain the approaches of Training? Discuss HR Accounting and HR Audit? What the factors to be considered while conducting a wage and

salary survey?

5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

What are the basic steps in conducting of a wage and salary Give a critical note on factors affecting wage and salary levels Distinguish between internal and external mobility Explain the objectives of compensation management What is promotion? How do you compare merit as a basis of What are the differences types of Job promotion leading to PESIT- Department of MBA

survey? What are the factors to be considered? in various organizations.(June/July 08)

promotion with that of seniority.?(June/July 08)

position of increasing importance?

10 MARK QUESTIONS:1. Management by objective is not a technique of performance appraisal Explain in detail- a) Human Resource Information System b) Human Discuss the various Incentive plans. Explain briefly how you would go about analysis and evaluating the

but denotes a systematic process of a performance appraisal. Explain critically.

3. 4.

Resource Accounting

effectiveness of an employee selection program.

5. Explain Workers participation in management 6. Define grievance. Explain the procedure for redressal of grievance 7. What are different type of transfer? 8. Discuss the various Incentive plans. 9. Explain different stages of career planning. 10. How training identified in an organization. (June/July 08) 11. Is the concept of career planning and succession planning realistic in todays rapidly changing environment. 12. What is attrition? Explain retention plans. 13. What are the reasons for absenteeism? 14. Discuss the workers participation in management. (June/July 08) (Dec 09/Jan 10) (Dec 09/Jan 10) (May/ June 10) (Dec 06/Jan 07)

15.Workers participation in management maintains good relationshipProve.

PESIT- Department of MBA

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