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Brain, the holy grail of human body has untapped potential.

It can produce and process mental imagery and thus helps us in seeing the unseen. We ourselves do not know what amazements it can actualize. Brainstorming for few minutes helps in thinking in unusual lines and would yield outcomes that are hard to imagine. It is only after coming to IMI I started appreciating the above concepts. The pedagogues at IMI made it all verily believable. In the support of this assertion, I would like to quote a small example which illustrates what exactly the Professors here are trying to dig out of us. In the class when Maam (who teaches organizational behavior) asked us to think of Metaphors for Organization, it first occurred to numerous people that it is absolutely inconceivable. But when few students came up with their intuitive perceptions of how different things in daily life can be related to organization, it has drawn unanticipated attention of everybody. They saw Human body with several organs like the departments in an organization which have specific tasks assigned and ultimately function in unison, coordinating each others tasks to achieve effective physical process. After few seconds of thoughtful silence, slowly people started digging unexplored regions of their brain and then came the list of child, tree, car, water with unquestionable justifications. What not! People could relate ocean, family, nation, machine, politics, living organism, ecosystem and even puzzles to organization. In less than 10 minutes the class together has put their ideas, and came up with six organizational metaphors out of the eight proposed by Gareth Morgan. Though only a few can appreciate the significance of these thoughts, it calls for unquestionable acclamation. This apposite illustration explicates that through asking pertinent questions professors are making us view world differently through a variety of lenses. Thinking in those lines of course, may at first seem to be difficult and perplexing but once the momentum is achieved thoughts roll out without interruption. Certainly I can say for sure that the professors here at IMI are trying hard to open the unused channels of our minds. Undoubtedly it ranks high on intellectual capital and is building upon to impart those skills to its students also. I feel so fortunate to be here.

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