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IndIa teaches us

_|e cu
|.:c.|e- cl|.rq
%he FIrst PrIncIpIe states:
|c-ce.e qcu e:ccu:re .- r|e .g|r c:e
%hIs means that no one comes Into our IIfe by
chance. Everyone who Is around us, anyone wIth
whom we Interact, represents somethIng,
whether to teach us somethIng or to heIp us
Improve a current sItuatIon.
%he Second PrIncIpIe states:
|~re.e |~e:eJ .- r|e c:|q r|.:g
r|~r ccu|J |~.e |~e:eJ
NothIng, absoIuteIy nothIng of that whIch we
experIenced couId have been any other way.
Not even In the Ieast Important detaII. %here Is
no "If onIy I had done that dIfferentIy., then It
wouId have been dIfferent.". No. What
happened Is the onIy thIng that couId have
taken pIace and must have taken pIace for us
to Iearn our Iesson In order to move forward.
Every sIngIe sItuatIon In IIfe whIch we
encounter Is absoIuteIy perfect, even when It
defIes our understandIng and our ego.
%he %hIrd PrIncIpIe states:
_~c| ce:r .: .|.c| -cer|.:g eg.:- .-
r|e .g|r ce:r
EverythIng begIns at exactIy the rIght
moment, neIther earIIer nor Iater. When we
are ready for It, for that somethIng new In
our IIfe, It Is there, ready to begIn.
%hIs Is the Fourth
PrIncIpIe, the fInaI
|~r .- c.e, .-
It Is that sImpIe.
When somethIng In
our IIfe ends, It heIps
our evoIutIon. %hat Is
why, enrIched by the
recent experIence, It
Is better to Iet go and
move on.
I thInk It Is no
coIncIdence that
you're here readIng
If these words strIke a
chord, It's because you
meet the requIrements
and understand that
not one sIngIe
snowfIake faIIs
accIdentaIIy In the
wrong pIace!
e good to
Love wIth
your whoIe
AIways be

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