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Cover Page Letter of Transmittal Supervisors Declaration Acknowledgement Executive Summary

Title of Contents
Introduction Definition of the bank Background of JBL Services of JBL Objective of JBL Vision & Mission of JBL Strategies of JBL Board of Director Executive Committee of The Board The Management General Banking Division Schemes offered By JBL Product of JBL Produces of Account Opening
Dhaka International University The Excellent Central of Knowledge


1 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 9

12 14 14-22

Instructions for Handling Account Holders

28-29 30 31-34 35-37 38 39-41 42 43-45 46 47 48-50 50-54 55-56 56-57 58-59 60 61 61 62 63-64 65

Issuance of Cheque Books

Stop Payment Order and their Revocation Payment of Instrument, Dishonor of Instrument Payment of FDR & Short Notice Deposits Balance Inquiries & Statements

Clearing & Transfer

Cash Remittance, Bills and Endorsements Cancellation of Instruments SWOT Analysis Personal Banking Division International Trade Finance Corporate Banging Division Online Banking Shop Finance Scheme Q-Cash Round The Clock Banking Objective of the Study Limitation Scope & Methodology Recommendation Conclusion

Dhaka International University The Excellent Central of Knowledge

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