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David French, Rob Green,

& Mike Zarrelli

CorJiolly invite you to o luncb in support of


Wednesday, September 21, 2011
12:uu PN

419 New }eisey Ave, SE
Washington, BC 2uuuS

Bost: $2,Suu pei PAC $1,uuu pei peison
Attenu: $1,uuu pei PAC $Suu pei peison

Pleose RSvP to Floine Sviqos:
202-7S7-9091 or

Pleose moke cbecks poyoble to: Tim 6riffin for Conqress Committee
P.0. Box 7S26, little Rock, AR 72217 or contribute online ot

Paiu foi anu authoiizeu by Tim uiiffin foi Congiess Committee.
Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

Contributions to Tim 6riffin for Conqress ore not JeJuctible os cboritoble Jonotions for
feJerol income tox purposes. IeJerol low requires us to use our best efforts to obtoin onJ
report tbe nome, oJJress, employer onJ occupotion for eocb inJiviJuol wbose contribution
oqqreqote in excess of $200 Jurinq tbe election cycle. lnJiviJuols moy contribute o
moximum of $S,000 in tbe 2011-2012 election cycle {$2,S00 for tbe primory onJ $2,S00 for
tbe qenerol election). Contributions from foreiqn notionols onJ corporotions ore

Source: Sunlight Foundation's Party Time The Sunlight Foundation collects these invitations from anonymous lobbyist sources.

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